Yesterday I wrote most everything there is to write about this one. It’s been blocked and it’s ready to keep me warm on cold evenings.

The above photo was taken inside with too much sun coming through the windows.

This photo shows the true colors and it was taken under the shade of a peach tree outside.
The finished size is 37″ x 50″. I’m a loose knitter so I always go down a needle size. On something like this, I never swatch but it is dense. If I were to make another one, I’d go with the recommended needle size.
The pattern is All These Places and it’s a very simple blanket to make. The pattern is well written and easy to understand and there’s not a whole lot of thinking required while knitting this one.
DonnainKS says
Very pretty picture under the peach tree! Which ever one calls it, it will be used and loved on a cool night.
Nelle Coursey says
Very pretty!!
dezertsuz says
Is it dense because of the yarn, though? You mentioned it being only a couple of steps above roving. With a different yarn, would you still use the recommended needle size? It is very pretty blocked and in the sun!
Judy Laquidara says
Every yarn weight/thickness has a different recommended needle size, often based on the density of the fabric/gauge created by the designer. Using a smaller needle even on fingering weight will create a denser fabric so using a larger needle on a super thick yarn would create a less dense fabric.
The pattern could be made using any weight yarn. The needle size depends on the yarn/tightness of the knitter. I don’t like a real loose fabric and normally, if I use the recommended needle, the fabric is looser than I like . . but not this time. I still like the blanket and since it’s to go over my legs and feet, it’s really a nice thickness but just denser than I expected.
Amy in PA says
It’s beautiful! And oh boy, I clicked to see her other patterns, there are some gorgeous cable blankets too!
Stephani in N. TX says
Here I thought you were knitting a green blanket. Looks old-goldish under peach tree. Great color. I’m currently knitting a lap blanket from several skeins of royal purple yarn with a cashmere content I bought it to make a lacey sweater that just didn’t work out. The loft of the finished knitting was just flat. Turns out this yarn loves to be just knitted. I did move on to a somewhat dense lace pattern and the surface looks good. Just couldn’t let this pricey yarn just sit and do nothing, so for the next freezing winter I will have a yummy warm lap blanket. Loved this designer’s Rav page, especially the cable blankets. Don’t need more really, but they look like fun to do. On my list to accomplish this year is February Lady and Hitofude. Your coral colored Hitofude was magnificent. I may have to be at the yarn shop 3 days a week to get there.