This morning I wound the yarn for some of my Malabrigo projects. The yarn I had purchased for Nightshift just doesn’t “flow” like I wish it did.

The three that are wound work together. The bright pink on the right works with the ball that’s wound that’s on the left of the three but that’s where the working together ends. I ended up ordering three other colors and maybe between the six remaining skeins, I can get a cohesive “fade” from three of them that will work with the three already wound.

Boots and I wound 11 skeins of yarn. That’s a lot of yarn, especially considering that Malabrigo can be impossible to wind. The three green skeins on the back right are for the other sweater I’m working on. I should be able to make good progress on it the rest of today and tomorrow before putting it aside for Malabrigo work.
Eleven skeins of yarn are a lot to wind at once but I’m glad to have it done. I already had a skein wound for the Willow Cowl so other than the three remaining skeins for Nightshift, my yarn for Malabrigo March is all wound and ready to go.
dezertsuz says
All of them are pretty. Is one skein enough for a pair of socks?