Just as there are multiple ways to make socks (toe up, cuff down, etc.), there are multiple ways to make sweaters.
They can be started from the neck down where usually, the top part, or cap type area of the sleeves are knitted, then the sleeve stitches are placed on waste yarn while the remainder of the sweater is knitted. Then the sleeve stitches are picked up and the sleeves finished.
Sweaters can be made in pieces; the back, the front, the sleeves, then sewing together.
Or, sweaters can be made from the bottom up. I have only made sweaters top down. Therefore, this pattern (Skogafjall) is way weird for me. The sleeves are the first things that are made. I’m not trying to figure out what comes next but I’m just following along on the pattern.

I may kick my butt for doing it but I’m down both sleeves at once on a long circular needle. That way, without having to do a lot of counting and note taking, they will be identical twins.
There probably won’t be a lot of knitting time today. Eggs to deliver, groceries to buy, a meeting with the county agent about our garden . . but hopefully this afternoon I’ll be able to knit more. It’s just stockinette now so the sleeves should go pretty quickly. I’ll report back later this evening.
Jean says
Love that green! Anxious to see how the sweater progresses.
Nelle Coursey says
I like the idea of 2 sleeves at the same time. Wonder if you could to the two fronts of a cardigan at the same time??
Judy Laquidara says
It might be hard because they’re mirror images of each other. I’d get confused probably. I’ve actually never done a sweater in parts where the fronts were done separately and the back was yet another piece. There are lots of patterns like that but I’ve never done one.
dezertsuz says
The green knitted up beautifully!