I’ve kinda been knitting like a crazy woman. You’ll notice over on the sidebar that in less than two months, I’ve finished two pairs of socks, two rather large shawls, one just less than 1,000 yards and one over 1,000 yards, and a hooded cardigan. The second shawl isn’t listed so you probably didn’t notice that one over there but you know I’ve finished it.
Today, as you already know also, I started crocheting on a tote bag.

My plan was to get the base done, then get the sides started. I have to knit 14 or 15″ up the sides, then do something else. I figured I’d get those sides started, then put it away and it can be a mindless project for crocheting in the car or when I’m with Addie. The sides actually go pretty quickly. I had over 2″done before I knew it.
So, it’s almost 8:30 p.m. . . I’m itching to start a sweater . . a colorwork sweater. I should be working on the Adventurer Scarf or my temperature cowl, which I have started yet. Good excuse on the temperature cowl . . the yarn isn’t wound, it’s too cold to walk over to the sewing room and wind the yarn. But, there’s no yarn wound for a new sweater either.
I wish I could find the navy blue yarn to make the Aki Cardi but . . even if I found it, it isn’t wound either. Dang it!
I have my Linho project that just needs one more sleeve knitted. I can see it from my chair. I think because there’s nothing else that interests me, I may be forced to pick it up and work on it!
I was working on Linho when I was at Chad’s last and he said “Mom! That sweater is NOT going to fit you.” I think I’ll finish it and make sure I wear it when I see him next! I had made it smaller on purpose because I started it when I started this diet the first time.
If I were 6 years old, I’d look at Vince right now and say “I’m bored!” but . . I’m not 6 years old so I’m going to get up and get Linho and see if I can finish that sleeve.
Or, I could go put the clothes in the dryer since I’ve already washed them twice before I forgot to put them in the dryer last night. 🙁
Paula N. says
I have had to rewash clothes more than once. There’s just so many more interesting things going on.
Carolyn says
It’s so nice to read your list of possibilities to work on next. I have the same decisions with different projects. Each one is a sewing project and none of them would take long. I have a fabric on the way for two more projects and need to get the dozen waiting finished. Yes, they are all in various stages. Good luck on your progress! Tomorrow is a new day.
April Reeves says
That 6 year old comment is spot on and made me laugh. I feel like my kid’s cruise director at times though I have noticed if I am busy doing something, I don’t hear it as much. They are likely scared to get dragged into helping me. lol
ethelann wood says
Hi from ethelann, when my son was in second or third grade he told his principle he didn’t like math . Mr G told him if you get rid of what you don’t like first you can get on with what you do like. So simple but I use that advise to this day many, many years later. Get to that sleeve and it won’t be hanging over your head and you can enjoy the next project. Spend a few hours winding and you can go to it on a minutes notice. I do the laundry, dishes, beds, whatever before I start my day or go to work so I can do whatever and not have to face it later. Laundry isn’t fun the first time! I always feel better after I know there is a neat bed, clean clothes and dishes when I get home. I can do some handwork, sewing, or whatever after dinner without a second thought. Hope that helps! PS, my son graduated with two degrees ( one in physics,one in engineering) & a masters. He uses math & science every day , has ADHD & teaches his kid’s Mr G’s advise.