According to the post office, my package has been moved. But . . it hasn’t.
Last time I wrote, it supposedly left Tallahassee at 6:20 p.m. Now I get this!

So, 2.5 hours after leaving Tallahassee, it has now left Tallahassee again. That’s three times it’s left Tallahassee in two days and at least two times previously it left Tallahassee.
Seriously, I’ve given up on ever seeing this package but now am simply laughing at the ridiculousness of this process and the lack of recourse. I’ve filed a claim with the post office. If I call, there’s at least a 45 minute hold. I got a response that said “we’re checking into it” but it was a “no response” mail in that I couldn’t respond to it.
I’m not worried about it. It’s less than $100 lost . . yarn I didn’t really need anyway. I’ve written the seller twice and gotten no response so . . lesson learned. But, I am able to laugh about it and it does make me thankful that so many of our packages arrive in good shape, right on schedule.
Donna says
A few months ago I had a package that I ordered from California and it took forever. It made it from Dallas to Birmingham ( 70 miles from my house) 3 times. It would get to Birmingham and go back to Dallas every time. I finally got it but it was comical watching the tracking. I think pony express would have gotten it here as fast (lol)
Rebecca in SoCal says
I’m glad it’s not something you really require, or even have to have to meet a deadline! It’s good that you can just sit back and realize the absurdity of this. If anybody made this up and put it in a book, it would be dismissed as nonsense! (The old “truth is stranger than fiction” applies.)
Marilyn Smith says
We have not been happy lately with anything from the USPS, they rarely arrive on time and are difficult to track. UPS we love. Many start out with UPS and then change to the USPS. The best deliveries come from FEXEx. I really count on tracking and knowing when they will arrive so we can watch for them. Our mail often comes after dark – 6 – 6:30 pm. We order to try to have deliveries when we will be home. Too many packages are stolen. I have one that never arrived from Amazon. It was a book for me which was ordered from Amazon by friends from England who were with me the night of my heart attack. They never ring the doorbell anymore to let us know the delivery is here. Amazon Prime often starts out with UPS and often changes to the postal system.. So we wait all day long for our deliveries.
Linda in NE says
I live in northeast Nebraska & when our USPS sorting center got moved from Norfolk to Omaha service went downhill. I’ve often wondered if they hire illiterates. Things got lost, costing me late fees. Packages wandered around, like yours is doing, Judy. If I mail a card or letter to someone right here in town it takes three days for them to get it. It used to be that the local post office could cancel the stamp & put it directly into the correct box for same day or next day delivery. I pay all our bills online now with credit cards except for credit card bills which I pay from bank accounts. It ticks me off when UPS packages wind up at the PO…or at least the driver tried to leave them but couldn’t because the PO has such short hours and is also closed for lunch. Then I get the notice they tried to deliver but couldn’t because there was no safe place to leave packages. To top it off the USPS has raised the price of mailing a letter by another five cents. I guess they have never figured out that no business can survive by continually raising prices and cutting services and lowering their standards.
Carmen says
Several years ago, we ordered a bulb for our tv. It had to come through Chicago. Well, it was winter, and Chi town had one of those blizzards, so that delayed it about 5 days. Then we got a lost in shipment notice, I think it fell off the conveyor belt!! We finally got it, the box looked pretty bad, but the bulb was intact!!
Nelle Coursey says
We are still waiting for a part to our 1972 Porsche that we bought new. Also still waiting for a signature placard we were supposed to get on our 1990 (or so) Thunderbird! LOL
dezertsuz says
It sounds like it’s glued to the mail scanner. LOL