Yet again, at 9:53 p.m., the package has left Tallahassee. Because this is truly getting funny, in a sad way, I’m going to do one daily update for the travels (or not) that my package is taking.
Between yesterday and today, it left Tallahassee FOUR times . . never arrived anywhere . . just departed.
First, at 8:49 a.m. on 2/10.

Second, it again departed from Tallahassee at 6:20 p.m. on 2/11.

Third, it departed Tallahassee at 8:57 p.m. on 2/11.

Finally, probably the last trip the poor package will take from Tallahassee today, it left again at 9:53 p.m.

This has been going on either at Orlando, Tallahassee or Americus, GA for 16 days!
Like I said earlier, I’m past caring about whether I get the package or not but what aggravates the heck out of me is there’s nothing I can do about it; no supervisor I can call, no “boss” who cares . . it’s just how it is and that seems so wrong!
Linda in NE says
The U.S. Postal Service is unfortunately becoming a sad joke.
Marilyn Smith says
It has been a horrendously sad joke here for years!
Pauline Kennelly says
Too often I see my packages boomerang several times just as yours did. I had 3 things ordered, two said they would arrive tomorrow, Wednesday, all three arrived yesterday, Monday. All USPS. So early is nice, but no delivery statement yet. I could have not checked my box again until wednesday since I don’t go the mile and a half to my street box every day.
montanaclarks says
I ordered two Christmas presents way early in December–both those packages took trips around the US before arriving about 10 days after Christmas. I had contacted one of the vendors and been given a refund so then I had to contact them and pay for the items again–and I told them I was NOT ever ordering from JJill again unless they shipped my package some other way!
Dianne Aubrey says
I’m still waiting for my package. It’s gone from California to Massachusetts to New Hampshire to Utah (where I live). It’s been at the local post office for 2 days! Wonder if I’ll ever get it.
Anne says
You should notify the shipper as they can get their money back, or at least part of it because UPSP has at least 50$ worth of insurance on each priority package. 🙂
Once with UPS I had a package that shipped to me from California and should have come about 500 miles to me, but eventually it went over 4000 miles bouncing all around the country! I was just mad because it traveled all that way and didn’t send me one picture of it’s vacation! 🙂
Most scans are logical scans, meaning that each item is not scanned at all, only the entire load is scanned. Which means that your individual package is probably physically not on all those scans, heaven knows where it is!! I would guess that eventually you will get your package, but I’d for sure notify the shipper so they know what kind of service USPS is giving them for their money. (or your money if you paid for shipping!)
Judy Laquidara says
I’ve written the shipper twice and have not received a response!
Judy Laquidara says
Our local post office seems to do a good job and our mail carrier is the best. If my package can just make it out of Florida, I think I’ll get it.
Judy Laquidara says
I guess I shouldn’t have even said that . . it did make it out of Florida twice but for some reason got sent back there.
Dottie says
I’m so sorry that the package is still bouncing around AND sadder still that there is no one to talk to, post office personnel or vendor :-(.
bewtjwgmailcom says
I have watched the same show before, but most of the time they get it right
Nelle Coursey says
Have you shared this with the local PO??
amy makson says
we are having issues with UPS, FED EX and USPS here in NC. They share the foolishness. I agree… start with the company you ordered from, and also sent this to your state Postmaster… although the entertainment value is pretty good!
Judy Laquidara says
When I filed the initial claim, USPS sent it to the local Postmaster. It’s nothing the local folks can do. Our local post office is probably one of the best. I contacted the company I ordered from twice and never heard anything from them.
Judy Laquidara says
They got a copy of the claim I submitted and they called me. The local post office people are great . . always!