Yesterday I finished the Diamond Lace Socks. They’re so pretty and I could not get a decent picture of the color.

The above picture is not a great shot of the socks but it was while they were blocking.

This one is the most accurate as far as the color.

And this one more accurately shows the diamond lace pattern.
They’re very pretty socks and I’m glad to have them done!
Denise Ramsay Porter says
Don’t forget to add them to the list of projects on the side bar that you’ve finished this year!
w jordan says
very pretty
Verna A. says
You make the prettiest socks!
Denise ~ justquiltin says
Those turned out great!
Dottie says
They are beautiful!
Nelle Coursey says
They are very pretty!!
Susan says
They ARE pretty socks!
Dar in MO says
Definitely very pretty and I love the pattern. You are a master knitter with anything you do. I thank you every day that I had the opportunity to learn how to knit socks with your help. I tell people, yes Judy came to teach us one of her quilt patterns and I learned how to knit socks. They think I’m a bit crazy!!
w jordan says
I have to ask this question. Doesn’t the pattern hurt your feet when you lace up your shoes? I think they are very pretty but they look like they would hurt.
Judy Laquidara says
I don’t even feel anything. I suppose if someone had super sensitive feet they might feel it but the yarn is so soft and the design doesn’t cause ridges.