We have so many beautiful sunsets. I suggested to Vince that he build me a platform for getting higher to be able to see the sunset. I don’t think it’s happening. 🙂

Don’t tell me there’s mistletoe in my mesquite tree! I used to say we had mistletoe in the mesquite. Now I say we have a little mesquite in our mistletoe tree.
The sunset was so pretty but it fades into darkness so quickly.
Dottie says
Toni Macomb says
I just learned something new. I was brought up in the Northwest. I thought only oak trees got mistletoe!
Susan says
That is lovely. Too bad you can’t have a deck on the roof. It would be perfect.
Nelle Coursey says
It is funny that people think mistletoe is so pretty! It is a cancer that will eventually kill a tree.
Twyla Starr says
We are fortunate to see beautiful sunsets and the trees in the fence line enhance the view.