The other yarn that came day before yesterday was the yarn for Walk Along.

The gray is more of ESK’s exclusive yarn for this year. It’s Western Sky Knits’ Magnolia Sock and the color is New York. The mustardy yellow is Handmaiden’s Casbah and the color is Straw. Also not my color but I like it.
I’m being optimistic and making my new sweaters in smaller sizes. Five inches smaller so let’s hope I stick with the diet or Nicole gets two new sweaters!
I really like the Walk Along pattern too . . especially if my hips are soon to be narrower and my tummy is flatter. Flat . . completely flat!
Cathy Shepherd says
I have got to stop reading all your knitting posts. I keep seeing the designs you like and I like them too. Then I go look at yarn and before I know it, yarn has jumped into the cart. LOL
Nelle Coursey says
I like to wear bigger sweaters. But that is just me.
dezertsuz says
That is great confidence, and I know you’ll wear it before long.