I don’t even start to pretend that I understand all this keto info but I’m not concerned because I feel good, I have lots of energy, and I’m not hungry. We have done our research and feel this is the right diet for us at this time. We keep reading everything we can find about the diet and honestly, I know enough to feel good about what we’re doing. We’re not hungry. We both have more energy than we’ve had in a long, long time. All of the blood levels we’re monitoring are improving. Vince’s doctor recommended it. From what I hear and from what we experienced, most do not. I am NOT saying I’m anti-doctor but too many are treating symptoms and that’s it. I think we, lots of us, need to learn to eat better.
We were in the grocery store today and there was a lady checking out in front of us. She was huge. She was bigger than Vince. She had at least five bags of different kinds of cookies, little individually wrapped cookies, all kinds of chips. She did have some chicken breasts in the cart. She had a ton of groceries. Someone said to her “You must be feeding an army” and she replied “No, I have two children who eat a lot and this will barely get us through one week!” I wanted to say “Lady, come, let’s talk!” but . . that wasn’t my business. I felt a little smug as I thought to myself . . at least I never bought five bags of cookies” but then, I was making cookies at home so I wasn’t doing any better than she was. Now that we’re all about healthy eating, I find myself taking a peak in other folks’ carts and then I smile and wonder how many times people glanced at my cart and thought . . bad idea!
I am not recommending you do the keto diet! I am recommend that if you are interested in losing weight and it sounds like something you want to do, check with your doctor and, together, make an informed decision.
This site says that when in ketosis, you will have a clear mental state, decreased hunger and increased energy. We’ve also been using urine strips to measure ketones in our urine.
We did order the meter to check the ketones in our blood ketones because after a while, the ketones stop showing up in the urine. My urine strips have this week steadily been showing less ketones and I’ve been fasting so I knew they had to be there. Here’s the website for the meter we ordered and it has more info about
As I understand it, you measure your blood glucose:

Did that! Blood glucose was 76. Then I measured the blood ketones.

Done that. 3.8. Have no idea what that means. Next you want to calculate your Glucose Ketone Index (GKI).

This site has a calculator that will determine your GKI . You’ll need to know if your blood glucose is reported as mg/dL or mmol/l. My understanding is that most in the U.S. are mg/dL.
So, there’s my GKI, for whatever that’s worth. I was extremely happy with it just 8 days into the diet. I would love for my GKI to be about .8 or 1.0 but I’m happy
I still have so much to learn. Don’t take advice from me but it really is an interesting and intriguing diet.
Linda R says
It is an interesting diet and becoming more popular as people share their good results. The anti-inflammatory benefits are wonderful with the keto diet. On month six, I have no arthritis flare-ups, no heartburn, lower BP, lower A1C, clearer head, no afternoon nap (or that food-coma after eating), easier workouts, and the weight loss is wonderful. I’ve lost enough weight that people are starting to ask questions. I tell them I’m on a low-carb/no sugar diet under my docs supervision. Those that know, ask about keto. Those that don’t, usually just congratulate me. A checker recognized that my groceries were keto-ish today—the stores are stocking what their customers are looking for, which makes it easier.
dezertsuz says
That is great information, and helps me understand a little more about what you’re doing. Thank you.
Debbie says
Hi, Judy. You’ve probably mentioned this and I just mentioned it but in case you didn’t…. Dietdoctor.com is another solid resource for keto diets. The videos are good at explaining ketosis and the anti-inflammatory upside to decreasing sugar in your diet. There is no denying, it is a lifestyle change for you and me.. I do miss fresh baked bread and chocolate but the benefits have been worth it and as you said, you don’t feel starved. I would have mentioned keto long ago when you and Vince were trying diets but I thought you were so married to bread that it would be a stretch. Good for you!