Yesterday I went out to get the elderberry cuttings and checked on other things in the garden.

I have one more plant growing in a pot in the greenhouse and need to get more seeds started.

The garlic looks good. I need to go out there and spread some bone meal and stir up the dirt to keep weeds from getting a foothold.

The fruit trees are confused again. They’re budding out in mid to late January. They will definitely get a frozen back because we still have February to get through.
One thing for sure . . when growing a garden or fruit trees, we’re at the mercy of Mother Nature. We can do everything right and then have a late freeze, a hail storm, a massive plague of grasshoppers, 15 days with temps over 115 degrees . . any or all if you live near me, so we give it our best shot and hope for the bests.
Another thing for sure . . if we don’t plant the seed, we don’t get the kale. If we don’t plant the tomato plants, we don’t get the tomatoes. If we don’t plant the peach trees, we don’t get the peaches.
I would rather plant and fail through no fault of my own, than never plant and wish I had.
Nelle Coursey says
Just remember the old saying, if it thunders in February, it will freeze on that day in April! This is pretty close to accurate!!
dezertsuz says
I’m with you, Judy. There’s always the chance, right?
cassews says
Do you use any kind of fertilizer for your peppers, garlic ? A friend told me that if I want meaty peppers to use a citrius tree fertilizer, so maybe I will try that on the peppers…