Super quick and super easy!

I buttered a 9 x 13 pan, cut up zucchini, onions, jalapenos, cauliflower and mushrooms. Seasoned those, then put chicken thighs on top. Seasoned those and drizzled a little olive oil over it all. Then I placed it in the oven at 375 for about 30 minutes, then switched to convection for about 40 minutes.

For a few more veggies, I added a salad of cucumber, tomatoes, roasted beets (from a few days ago) and avocado. The whole thing was drizzled with olive oil and truffle balsamic.

Soon I’m going to learn to stop putting so much on my plate. I ate less than half of it but it was delicious . . and super healthy.
Nelle Coursey says
You are doing better! You are eating less!!
Marilyn Smith says
We split a chicken breast and neither of us can eat it all. I will eat a chicken thigh but DH likes a breast. Last night I made The Pioneer Woman’s Pot Roast in the InstaPot. Yummy. Having the leftovers tonight. Also cooking biscuits for DH. Talked to our son in Honolulu and he is making his favorite chicken dinner from the I Hate to Cook Cookbook. He bought a used one online and he said to me, “Mom, this is the way you used to cook”….and even now I use those old recipes when the kids come to visit because that is the food that feels like home. Gave him a Dansk cast iron pot for Xmas as he had asked me to give him mine. I got a large LeCruset dutch oven for Xmas and love it. I also have a smaller one. I love that both our boys love to cook!
dezertsuz says
That looks like another winning meal!