Chad never uses a recipe. I gave him the recipe for the tasso seasoning but he looked at the spice list and said “I’ll make my own”. He did and it’s delicious. In fact, I told him .. I want some of that to bring home!
Several have asked for his recipes for smoking meat and I’m afraid I can’t be very helpful but here’s what Chad told me. Below, I’ll just say “he smoked it”. In a later post, I’ll talk more about the smoking.

For the pork loin, he seasoned it. Use any seasoning you like. Chad uses a lot of the same cajun spice mixes I use (Cajun Red Head, Slap Ya Mama, Tony’s Creole Seasoning). He peeled the apples and then shaved them with a potato peeler. He sliced the onions as thinly as he could.
Next, he completely covered the outside of the loin in the apples, then the onions, then wrapped it tightly in bacon, adding back any pieces of apple or onion that had fallen off.
Then he smoked it.

For the ribs, it was more of the same. Season and smoke them.

For the prime rib, he seasoned it, put it into the electric smoker. He filled the pellet tube with pellets. You can buy the pellets at Walmart, Amazon, most farm supply stores, etc. He put the smoker as low as it would go, let the pellets and let it smoke for a couple of hours. Then he turned the temp up to 250 and smoked it til it reached the desired internal temp. We let it sit for about 20 minutes before slicing it.
That’s all there is to it. I’ve found that smoking requires a bit of practice to get it perfect so if you’re not an experienced smoker, I wouldn’t try a prime rib first.
Some of my favorite smoking sites with recipes and info are these:
- Hey Grill Hey
- Cookshack (which is the brand of smoker we use)
- How to BBQ Right (with Malcom Reed who also has a wonderful You Tube Channel_
I’ll do another post with more info on the smokers because, depending on the type smoker, the whole smoking technique is different.
dezertsuz says
This is really interesting, but I don’t think I’m going to buy a smoker. =)