Last night Nicole was off with the wedding party. Chad was still working so Addie and I were home alone. It was time for Addie’s shower so I got her water started, made sure the temp was right, put out her pajamas and her bath towel. She had taken all her clothes off and was getting in the shower . . I thought.
I had to go to the bathroom so I went to the second bathroom. Thinking she was in the shower, I didn’t close the door and didn’t turn on the light. I was sitting there . . actually done, and Addie came running into the bathroom . . completely naked. She never saw me sitting there. It’s a pocket door on the toilet room. She had her back to me and was kinda leaning to look around to see if she could see me somewhere else in the house. She was sliding the pocket door shut and almost had it completely shut when she flipped on the light and noticed me sitting there. Scared her half to death!
I knew she didn’t know I was there and figured if I said anything, that was going to scare her so I was hoping she’d notice me and not be scared. It really happened very quickly. The look on her face! And she jumped about a foot off the ground. She glared at me and said “Granny! Why did you do that?” Well . . I thought you were in the shower . . I didn’t really DO anything!
Why she got out of the shower, passed up the toilet in that bathroom, ran through the house to go to the other bathroom . . I’ll never know!
I tried to tell Vince and Nicole on the phone and could not stop laughing. I still laugh thinking about her reaction.
Bon says
Now that is funny.
Nelle Coursey says
Bet she doesn’t do that again!! LOL Kids can do the cutest things!
dezertsuz says
The logic of a child’s mind defies understanding. LOL