Life around our house has been a bit crazy for the past week. There have been disappointments, frustrations, chaos . . one totally sleepless night. I went to bed after 2:30 a.m., got up a bit before 5 a.m. I’m too old for that kind of stuff. Nothing that’s happening is serious compared to what some folks are facing but anything out of the ordinary gets the best of me, if I allow it.
Last night, after letting myself dwell on some of the issues that were bothering me, I went out to put the chickens up (did I mention that same morning after getting no sleep, I got stung by a red wasp?) and I saw the sun setting.
It was a beautiful sunset through the old mesquite tree with the fig tree in the background, and I was reminded that no matter the trials of today, the sun will come up in the morning . . a new day will dawn. I can continue to dwell on things that have happened or I can move on and while not forgetting the lessons learned through problems, I can find a way to make the best of it, be a good person and be happy.
After putting the chickens up and walking back towards the house, on the other side of the house, the storm clouds were rolling in. I thought . . how ironic . on one side, a beautiful, calming, thought provoking sunset and on the other side of the house, a scary looking storm was building, a storm that made me want to go in the house, close the blinds and hunker down. That’s kinda how life has been . . close the blinds, lock myself inside and hunker down, but that’s now how I want to live my life. I so appreciate having friends I can confide in and friends who are understanding and helpful – not necessarily giving advice but offering an open ear and a shoulder.
All storms pass . . whether it’s a personal storm or a weather related storm. This too shall pass. Life will return to “normal” again. Sometimes, I think it takes the bad to appreciate the good. I so rarely feel bad that when I do feel bad and then feel good again, I’m kinda thankful for having felt bad just to remind myself how blessed I am to feel good most of the time.
I am very blessed in so many ways and I hope I never get to the point where I count the problems more than I count the blessings.
Donna says
I hope your troubles pass soon. This post just doesn’t even sound like it came from you so I can tell you’re worried. My brother says I live by “this too shall pass” or “just get over it”. I hope on or the other happens for you soon.
Deb says
OH, Judy. So sorry to hear that the storms of life are raging in your world. My prayers for calm to come to you and your family.
Dottie says
Hoping life is back to normal for you soon…..I’ve recently been reminded of this saying by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow….”Into each life some rain must fall.”
Paula (Texas) says
I am so sorry that you have been troubled! Your posts give me so much pleasure, and I have learned from you. All things are possible through Christ who strengthens us. I truly hope things smooth out for you soon.
Mary Crowther says
You are in my thoughts. I miss linking up here each Monday. But life goes on. Sorry about the storms. Take care (((Judy L)))
Bon says
Hopefully tomorrow will be the start of much better things.
Katie says
My last week was sleepless and worry some also, Thanks for the reminder that things are good most of the time. Trying to dwell in the positive.
Lisa G Boyer says
I’m so sorry that life has been frustrating and hard for you lately. For me, I know things bother me so much more than they used to! I guess it’s age. And it seems like it takes longer for anger/anxiety/stress/frustration to go away. Sometimes things just eat me up inside. But you’re so right: the best thing to do is count our blessings. I feel like one of my blessings is your blog! I hope things work themselves out for you soon. I send you love and happy thoughts from California.
Ranch Wife says
Yep. if everything was always sunshine and rainbows, we’d never realize how blessed we really are, but sometimes life is just hard. You are wise and strong and I’m sending prayers. Hope you can find some peace and comfort in your yarn and that your troubles are soon a distant memory.
Ranch Wife says
Forgot to add that we always say that we are circling the wagons when life gets rough around here. It’s our way of shutting out the world for a little while.
marcille irwin says
Judy, I’m sorry for your current worries/concerns and hope that everything works itself out quickly for you!