For The Loopy Ewe’s Fourth Quarter Challenge, I’m doing Guernsey Wrap.
For those of you who consider yourself beginning knitters, basically all there is to knitting is knit and purl stitches. And . . counting. You can all count! I know you can! So . . you’re a knitting expert if you can knit, purl and count. I decided last night that I see everything in black and white .. not much gray area, and that’s why knitting patterns are pretty easy for me. I don’t try to think anything into it because . . well, I simply don’t know anything to think into it. I taught myself to knit by watching a left handed friend knit. She told me that she couldn’t teach me because I would do everything backwards since I’m right handed so she knit slowly and let me watch. I think I learned backwards but I get by.
Last night I began Guernsey Wrap. I read through a bunch of the comments about it. Most found it terribly easy and it is! I highly recommend this pattern for real beginners.
It is a bit like a sampler with lots of stitch designs but still . . only knits and purls! I’m going to love this once it’s finished.
Helen Koenig1 says
oh how pretty pretty pretty! Definitely will have to try this one!
(But then – so far I’ve said that about soooooooooo many that my library shelves at Ravelry keep filling up!!!!)
Gwen says
Judy, what are the dimensions of the finished scarf? It looks like a fun knit!
JudyL says
17″x 74″ after blocking. It’s real easy to add more repeats and make it wider. If I make another one, I will make it a bit wider.
Gwen says
Thanks, Judy! May give it a try after the holidays!
Terri says
ok you talked me into it!! I’ll learn to knit with this! Plus it’s so cold in my office this will be perfect to wrap around my neck and shoulders while I work.
I’m sure my husband thanks you
Now off to pick out yarn. hehe!
Glen in Louisiana says
Interesting, I too learned to knit (and crochet) from my left handed friend in high school. It was challenging finding my own way of holding things right handed.
Donna says
You talked me into it! I just purchased the pattern and then kinda freaked out about the charts. I’ve never followed charts before. What yarn did you use for it. I don’t have a stash as I just started knitting a couple of months ago. I’m gonna be forced to order yarn!!!
JudyL says
I’m using Dream in Color Classy.
Pam in KC says
Your comment about knit, purl and count reminds me of when Momma and aunt were trying to knit an entralac vest. They had to count to either 7 or 9 (maybe both – 7 stitches and 9 rows?) and just about threw in the towel deciding they couldn’t count. In the end my sister and I ended up with pretty knit vests. As complicated as entralac knitting looks it’s very simple.
Brandy M. says
Wow, Judy. That’s beautiful!! Is it a scarf, or will the ends be connected when you’re done? Either way, I really like the variation in pattern so far!
Linda Steller says
Wow! You got that far already? It’s really pretty.
Bev Austin says
Ok, I’m hooked! I got the pattern and printed it out, and will go shopping for the yarn this week. Come to think of it, the yarn shop I know of is in a town that was just flooded in no. Colorado, so I’ll find an online source and just order it – unless Jo-anns might have a yarn that works…. Have the needles, but haven’t knitted anything in a very long time! I’m excited to join in the process. I want a heather blue yarn, and being so very short (and round), I bet I’ll need to shorten it a bit. Guess I can decide that later.
Karen says
I recently started the Guernsey Wrap and it’s my first project using a chart. I am pleasantly surprised at how easy it is.
I told a friend of mine that i had enlarged the chart on my copier. She suggested loading the PDF into iBooks on the iPad. It makes it very easy to enlarge the chart.
Don’t you just love technology?
I have a question about blocking. Where can you block something that is 74″ long? On a bed? What do you put on the bed to protect from moisture?
JudyL says
I use my blocking mats which are the children’s padded play mats that hook together kinda like big puzzle pieces. I used to put them on the longarm or on my big ironing table before there was a kitten in the sewing room. Now I will probably put them on the bed or maybe even outside on the table that’s on the covered patio. It doesn’t take most thing long to dry on our sunny, dry days.
Karen says
Thanks for the blocking tip!
Nancy says
I made the Guernsey Wrap for my daughter and it was great fun working on it. This was the first time I used a chart and it was not at all hard.
JudyL says
That chart is pretty easy since each row begins with knit, you know right off what the knit/purl signs are for that row. I’m liking it a lot.