Sherwin-Williams and Chip It! may have changed me from a non-decorator to a decorating diva! For those who love decorating, you won’t believe how much I didn’t like it. Now that I’ve done it, quite successfully I might add, with the help of Chip It!, I’m ready to re-do the whole house. Vince isn’t quite there yet. Here’s the guest room photo . . the “before” shot. The walls were a grayish lavender and the carpet is a creamy beige. When I was introduced to Chip It! I had so much fun chipping pictures I found on the internet or pictures I had taken. I know you’ve heard of Chip It! but have you tried it? It’s so simple to use! There’s a very short video that will explain it all! You can get the Chip It! button just like the Pin It button for Pinterest. First you drag the Chip It! button below to your toolbar:
When you find a picture online or have a photo you’ve taken, simply “Chip It” and a palette will be generated, showing the Sherwin-Williams paint colors that perfectly match the colors in your photo.
The picture that made the final cut for my project was my Ruby picture. I have carried this picture in my purse, one in the car, even Vince has been known to be carrying one around with him. The paint color we chose for the walls was Sand Beach, which is the top left color on the Chip It! palette. It goes great with the carpet.
Ready to see the room makeover? Didn’t it all turn out nice? The quilt is one that I already had. I did buy the eyelet dust ruffle but because of the height of the bed, it was too short so I purchased a tan longer ruffle and the tan pillow sham and the throw pillow. I chose not only to use the Ruby chicken picture but to go with a “chicken” theme. The first
pieces I bought were the basket which holds plastic eggs and a wooden chicken perched on top of the jewelry box. The very old children’s book, The Little Red Hen, which was a gift from a friend, sits next to the chicken. I bought matching lamps, a large one and a smaller one. This bed is really tall and a lamp sitting on a regular night stand is hard to turn off without getting completely out of bed. After I bought the
lamps, I found these extra tall three drawer night stands that I thought would be perfect for this room! On the left side of the bed sits the framed picture of Ruby that was my inspiration for this makeover. The “Country Living” wall plaque was also purchased for this project. You’ll notice I kept the angels left by the former owner of the house. They’re cute and I didn’t really want to throw them out. Doesn’t seem right to throw out an angel, huh?
On the right side of the bed is the smaller lamp, and a framed picture that goes nicely with the palette. Did you notice the tray at the foot of the bed? There’s a chicken painted in the bottom of the tray and I was happy to find that while looking for items for this room makeover. The tray contains small items a guest might enjoy — lotions, mints, pen, cards (with roosters, of course). I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve had with this project. Decorating really has been torture for me but with the help of Chip It!, this has been quite fun and I’m very proud of our new guest room. All I need now are guests!
Tell me about a room in your home that you’d like to makeover using the Chip It! Tool for a chance to win a $1,000 Visa gift card and $200 Sherwin-Williams gift card.
Becky I. says
You have one a wonderful job decorating your “Ruby” room. The next time I decorate I will certainly try “Chip It!” Thanks for sharing with us,
Freda Henderson says
Very nice room Judy. Ruby sure looks cute.
Patricia L. says
I have a room that we have been turning into a Media Room that could use a new coat of paint. We could use Chip It for the paint selection.
Jo's Country Junction says
My bathroom truly needs a make over. I was hoping to do it before my daughter graduates next year and we have an open house party.
Donna says
Your tribute to Ruby looks very inviting. Could I be the first guest? I love to paint! I have a screeed in porch that i want to redo once it cools down. Enjoy your room.
judy s. says
Love your room!!
I really have been trying to find a new couch and recliner for my living room then I’m going to paint, paint, paint. I also need to take down the old wallpaper in the kitchen. I keep thinking I’d like to paint it a country (MODA) red.
Thanks for the great blog
Judy S
Lorelei B. says
Nice Job! I’ve painted all the rooms in the house except for mine! Why? because I’ve had a difficult time deciding. For the rest of the house it was easier because of furniture color and kids picked theirs. I think Chip it! might just do the trick in helping me decide. I’m so glad I came across this article!
Jill M in OH says
I love your Ruby room!! It sure is a gem!! 😉
I think that if I had a chance to redo a room in my house, it would probably be my family room. I have old hand me down furniture that I have been trying to replace for a while and I just need the funds to do it. I have an idea of what I want it to look like, but I just haven’t made a renovation of that room a priority.
Stephani Siekierski says
The blog looks great. The room looks super. You had your way with Chip-It. Are there curtains in the future? Tailored swags would look elegant with your beautiful furniture. Everyone should have a Ruby in their life.
becky r says
I love the room and the app! I’ve added the app to my favorites because I see lots of uses for it, Thanks for sharing.
Jevne says
Fresh new look to your blog, beautiful new guest room! Nice job on both! I’ll certainly try Chip-It!
Kari in UT says
I would love to redecorate my Master Bedroom, it is still in the original ugly color from the previous owners, and I am having troubles figuring out which color to go with. Sounds like a job for the Chip It!
Thanks for sharing.
Jeanne in Ohio says
I have a bathroom I’m dying to change. It’s currently pink and gray and I hate it. I think Chip It! would help me pick better colors and winning a giveaway would help even more. Thanks for the chance!
Jevne says
Give-away sounds good, Judy, just have to figure out when it is 9 am PST! Guess I’ll just wait until Noon, that should do it.
Gay McDaniel says
I am just now stripping the walls of the master bedroom.
Chip it may be the answer I’ve been looking for! Thanks for sharing!!!!
Please pick me 🙂
Caroline in NH says
My living room badly needs a makeover. It’s exactly the same paint as when we moved in here, 18 years ago. Oh, it now also sports several spots where the paint has literally been worn away from washing, as well as crayon marks from the kids (the youngest of which is now 14).
Nancy says
I love your room and the inspiration behind it! I think I will use ChipIt! to do my family room; it is really in need of a makeover.
Cindy Kuipers says
Love your room! Love that you added a photo of Ruby, too!
I would love to redo my family/sewing room. It has old, yucky paneling and worn out, stained carpet in it. It is the most used room in my house since it houses the TV and my sewing stuff.
Kim West says
I would love to redo my sewing room. It is the first room anyone sees as they enter my house. It was either use this space or not have any… but i digress. A fresh coat of paint and some new storage furniture would definitely help to make it more inviting.
Rita says
Your room looks great! I would love to redo my sewing room.
Kate says
Very nice redo! Im glad things are getting back to where you can go quilt. Its been in the 100’s for weeks here, I know how important air con is, so hard to function without it.
Blog looks wonderful too. Nice work Judy! Oh and I got your new book from our guild library, great job there too!
Denise ~ justquiltin says
Ah! My room is done and it looks lovely (tho I’m sure ou have short sheeted that bed!) I’ll start packing my bags! 🙂
Sandy K says
I would love to make over my dinning room / kitchen. It is a boring white. Love your make over bedroom
Beth in AZ says
I am not using Chip It! for decorating, but for picking quilt colors. I am making bed runners for my Sister and Brother-in-law’s guest room beds. The headboards are upholstered. I just snapped a couple of pictures with my Iphone ..and ‘chipped’ them. Now I have a usable palette to carry to the quilt shop. I know the colors are not EXACTLY the same (the light in their guest room was not ideal), but it wonderful to have them printed out and portable!
Linda Kay says
I love this bedroom!!!
I would love to re-do almost every room in my home! Our home is about 70 years old. In the 70’s my husband decided to update our house and put paneling in EVERY room. Dark paneling. About 20 years ago while he was gone on a fishing trip, I painted the paneling in the spare bedroom. I love it. He hated it! I would love to paint the paneling in the living room, dining room, kitchen, and the other two bedrooms. I think he’s afraid to go fishing because he never knows what I may do while he’s gone! 🙂 I would love to have the gift cards to do this. He couldn’t fuss as much if he wasn’t paying for it! lol!
Melinda says
I would love to repaint my room, but I haven’t painted the girls’ bedroom yet, and we’ve been here almost 4 years now.
Erin says
very nice! I love the theme of course!!! and the quilt is beautiful!!! Chip It is the way to go…and you have a decorating touch!
meg says
when we moved into this house, my son was in 7th grade. we let him pick a wall color for his bedroom….he picked NAVY BLUE. he loved it – it was dark and he spent many mornings sleeping away in there all thru HS. well, he’s off to college in 2 weeks and i would love to paint that room something a bit lighter and cheerier.
Cindy F says
Love your “chicken” room. We moved here 5 years ago and have lived with the neutral walls long enough! I’m itching to start with the bedroom but hadn’t a clue so “chip it” sounds ideal to me. Thanks for the info!
Pam says
A winner.
Donna K. from N. TX says
our bedroom has a bad case of ho-hums so chip it would be a nice way to spice it up.
Linda in NE says
Very nice. Picking colors is always the hardest. I’ve worked my way through the house over the last five years or so. Still need a new living room carpet, new kitchen countertops & sink and new flooring in the entry hall (have it just need to get it down). I’m all decorated out.
Katie says
Your room looks fantastic! Can I come to visit?! Which room would I redo? Well, let’s see…there’s the living room done in country blue and tan…there’s the dining room done in country blue and tan…there’s the bathroom done in country blue and tan…there’s the longarm room done in country blue and tan…there’s the kitchen done in country blue and white…upstairs there’s the sewing room with leopard print border…the master bedroom with raspberry pepto-bismol painted trim…the guest bedroom that looks like Laura Ashley had a bad day…how about the whole house?! (Someone had loads of fun in the 80’s decorating this house…we bought it about 10 years ago.) But seriously, I’d love to redo my living room. The room where we spend the most time and where we entertain. It would be a good start and seeing what you’ve done has inspired me. (Now if I could just find a few extra hours in the day…or quit making quilts for everyone I know…)
Jody says
Love your room–and I’ve not heard of Chip it. Very cool! The master bath in my house needs to be gutted and redone from the bottom up–everything must go!
Erin says
I just convinced hubby to use the Chip It on our Bedroom! Yay!!!
Eden hunt says
I could do just about any room in my home since it all needs painting! I might start with the kitchen though since we seem to spend the most time there as a family. I should try the ChipIt tool since I love to play with Kuler to make color pallets from photos.
Diana W. says
My daughter is moving out on Aug 1st and we plan to paint and decorate that room, including new carpet. It will be a guest room. Your guest room is perfect and I love the Ruby theme!
Margarita W says
Just wanted to say your room look really great, professional. I would like to do my daughters room, once she moves out, it is going to become a quilting room (for the frame) and a guest bedroom. Does your give away work over seas?
Liz says
I’ve been looking at options for my kitchen and breakfast nook. I have a watercolor of a stormy lake that reminds me of Lake Superior. I could take a good photo of that picture and then chip it since my first attempt at getting paint cards and trying to match the colors didn’t work.
Deborah Harmon says
I love your new guest room! My bedroom needs help, with an old Robert Kinkade border and curtains that don’t match the room. I’m going to Chip it! Debbie in WV
Wann Hart says
I’m so excited, Judy! I was able to get your blog tonight!! I’ve missed you the past week or weeks. I’ll try to catch up now.
Melody says
Love the room!! I had not heard of “Chip it” before. I think it is a cool idea. Thanks for sharing.
Jennifer says
My dining room is the one in my house that needs a makeover! Love what you did to the guest room and hope there is room for a crib or pack and play in there 🙂
Sandy Nourrcier says
Your guest room is wonderful and it is wonderful that finally I am able to be here. Suddenlink has finally let us on.
KatieQ says
My dining room needs a make over, but I am always hesitant when picking paint colors. Chip It sounds like just what I need.
Judy says
Help! We have emergency re-decorating coming up! Our house was hit by a falling tree as a result of the storms in the north June 29 and we have to have our roof, attic and 2nd floor ceiling removed and replaced. Great opportunity to use Chip It for a re-design of the master bedroom.
Jess says
Your room looks awesome! I just found your blog via pinterest. I would do my kitchen over. It does not work for us at all and just needs an overhaul.
Sandie says
Love Chip it! Or should I say, I live the idea of chip it since I haven’t tried it yet! LOL! Do I have to pick just one room?! I am in the middle of moving, and for the first time in my 47 years, I have no restrictions on how I can decorate…. It’s overwhelming! I want to use a quilt I designed i Coral Black gray, ang cream as the Inspiration piece for our bedroom, and I want a very crisp clean white, and pale, pale robins egg blue in my kitchen…. other than that…. HELP!
Ava Crotinger says
I can certainly use decorating help. We have recently redone the first room of many. Choosing colors was hard and the first paint we chose ended up being too dark. The second one we’re very happy with. I can’t wait to get the rest of the house done. Perhaps with Chip It we won’t have to buy that first one that doesn’t work.
Sara in AL says
I love the room, and how easy you found it to decorate with the ChipIt app. What a great idea! I would love to re-do our master bedroom. (The $$ would help too!) Love the picture that you used.
Vickie says
We are buying a home this month and it is in need of a complete redo. I will be painting all of the rooms. This tool with be very useful for this. Thanks so much for telling us all about it.
Sharon says
I’ve tried Chip It!, and it really is fun. I didn’t notice the more subtle colors in my photo just looking at it. It’s been seven years since we did anything with our master bedroom besides change the quilt on the bed, and we’ve lived with it being blues for thirty-three years. It’s time to try something new. I’m thinking maybe greens. I uploaded to Chip It! the photo of a quilt in the blues to greens range, and it has a bit of red or orange in each block. Very striking.
Donna in KS says
The Ruby room is wonderful, Judy! I will be anxious to see if Chip It! can do a good job for me. Thanks again for introducing us to something so useful (and fun). I have two guest rooms and my sewing room to work on at this new house. Our Master Bdrm is just fine; just walking through the doorway is calming! We love it!!
Jane says
I Love the “Ruby” guest room. If I won, I’d use chiip it for my kitchen. It seems like it’s still not right after painting it a couple of years ago,
Sharon says
Your Ruby make-over room is wonderful! I’d re-do our spare bedroom. The kids are growing up and moving out, we now have a spare bedroom I’d like to re-do for a quest room. It might double as a computer room & guest room. Got to still figure it all out. I’ve never heard of Chip It – got to look into it!
Nancy says
I have no shortage of rooms to makeover. Even though we moved here two years ago, I have left every room the same color of off white. It’s boring, no wonder I don’t think of this as home. Any room be an improvement, but I guess the family room or master bedroom would be the room I would make over.
Eileen Foley says
I’d love to make over my three-season porch. We use it as a “great room” for as much of the year as we can, but not during our Minnesota winter!
steph says
our bedroom as well, what a neat tool!
steph says
LinhC says
I’d love to redo our breakfast area.
Justine in CT says
We’re getting ready to repaint the master bedroom and bath. I think I’ll use ChipIt to match the colors in my new made-by-me quilt in lots of Kaffe Fassett fabrics – now that will be one WILD room!!
Christy Young says
Getting ready to makeover the dining room. Tones are red and gold…no clue what specific colors to use. I have SW Sand Beach, SW Nomadic Dessert and SW Clary Sage in my living spaces downstairs…so the dining room needs to coordinate.
Jessie C. says
I would love to use Chip It to make over our kitchen.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
Jessie C. says
anash says
i would chip it my den! Thanks for a super giveaway!
anash says
Thanks for the chance to win!
email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Ranch Wife says
What a great room Judy! You may have to buy a no-vacancy sign or you might have more company than you would like. 🙂 This looks like such a fun tool and heaven knows my house could use the TLC. The hardest part is deciding which room to tackle first. Honestly though. it’s the 70’s paneling that’s holding me back. I’m afraid to tear it out because I’m certain I’ll need to learn how to sheet rock and that intimidates me.
Ashley says
I would love to be able to redo my living room. After my husband and I got marries we just moved our stuff in together and never really decorated. Then add two kiddos to that and you’ve got a big uncute mess.
Ashley says
I blogged about your post here:
Bryn says
I’ve seen other sites that extract the dominant colors from an image, but finding the closest matches in another palette is brilliant marketing and a service that will really help people be happy with their paint purchases.
I just tried Chip It to find colors for my kitchen. The kitchen and dining room are one big room with old fashioned wood paneling. It’s unfinished on the dining room side and painted pale yellow and white on the kitchen side, which I don’t like and would like to redo.
Using a photo of the dining room side, Chip It picked up colors from the artwork on the wall, and a lamp base, and the vintage floral curtains, as I hoped it would and gave me some beautiful colors to consider, among them, HINOKI, a pale orangy peach, and LANGUID BLUE.
sy says
I want to makeover my bathrooms, give it a warm paint and some good storage furniture. Thanks for the review and giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail
sy says
songyueyu at gmail
Stefanie Gladden says
I’d love to use chip it to makeover my bedroom!
Stefanie Gladden says
tweeted –
Ann Marie says
I need to redo our guest bedroom now that the oldest has flown the coop!
Jill H. says
I’d love to redecorate my Master Bedroom
Jill H. says
maria cantu says
I’d like to do the living room. It is a sad sight.