Good grief! I have quilts to make and you folks have just caused me to chop up a Gold Brick egg and eat the whole thing. The sacrifices I make for my blog readers! 🙂
OK . . you start with one Gold Brick egg that hopefully you do not have to search far and wide to find.
You open the package hurriedly and in a haphazard and destructive manner so hopefully you do not get a glimpse of this stuff!
And you remove the tasty little morsel from the package and throw the package in the trash — quickly . . don’t read anything! Who would have thought it had no Vitamin A or C! Weird! 🙂
How much damage can
1 or 2 6 eggs do? It’s barely over 2″ and in fact, it’s just half an egg! It’s chocolate but it doesn’t taste like most chocolate . . it tastes better!
When cut in half, it is revealed that it’s chocolate all the way through! Not hollow. Not marshmallow. Not gross eggy looking substance. It’s chocolate! Just chocolate with a few pecans thrown in for good measure.
And just to prove that it truly looks like chocolate and not some orangey brown unhealthy substance, this is what they look like on a sheet of white paper in the real light.
Except that one doesn’t look like that any more because . . well, I ate it! If you have any more questions about Gold Brick eggs or if you need to see that demo again, I have 10 more and I’ll be real happy to repeat this process as often as necessary til you fully understand everything you need to know about Gold Brick eggs. And, should I run out of eggs and you’re still not clear . . I can run down to Kroger and get more! All you have to do is ask! 🙂
Karen says
LOL – thanks for telling us what it is and the sacrifice you made to your diet 🙂 it sure looks yummy and I think I might need to look and see if they sell these babies in Arkansas.- the sacrifice you made to your readers is appreciated!
Missy says
OK, now I have to go to Kroger and see if they sell them in Mansfield, TX too! I usually try to avoid the candy aisle! LOL
carol fun says
ROFL!!!! I’m off to Krogers – thanks for the demo – you do a marvelous job!!
Toni in TN says
Well, bless my britches!! I was planning a little side trip to the next town to get a few things at Kroger!! Just need to remember to check out the Ester candy aisle.
Gail Fines says
And there goes your Diet!
Robin says
I want to honestly thank you for that great sacrifice. Now if you would not mine, could I see it again? I think I miss a step or two …. *s*
Laura says
Haven’t seen them in California, but appreciate your demo nonetheless. 😉
Lynne in Hawaii says
Excellent demonstration! You do so sacrifice for your readers and we appreciate it! (LOL) You showed remarkable restraint.
Osagebluffquilter says
Dang, I so want to leave my work desk and run 10 miles into town now. However I don’t think the boss would appreciate it!
Gwen says
Please do NOT repeat the demonstration! I can’t stand to see one of those creamy, wonderful morsels since I don’t have any!!!! My mouth is watering!!! LOL!
Krista says
LOL. You made my day, Judy 🙂 Of course, now I’m craving chocolate and we don’t get Gold Brick Eggs around here.
Sharon Spingler says
I appreciate the sacrifices you make for us Judy. The downfalls of having such a fabulous blog.
Mary C in WA says
No Krogers in my neck of the Woods, but don’t cry for me my Favorite is always the Russell Stover eggs in all the varieties. The Chocolate is soooo smooth! I have mold so I could make some Gold Bricks if I could get out of the basement long enough… Thanks for sharing, maybe include one in the prizes you offer next time.
Marj says
I think that you should now have a competition to win a Gold Brick egg! Then those who live in other areas of the US could try one. Thanks for sharing what they are and what they look like. The hunt is on. lol
Penny Hankey says
Thank you for the demonstration! I appreciate your sacrifice! I’ll just have to put up with Cadburys caramel eggs as I’m quite certain we can’t get Gold Bricks over here. Want a demo of one of those?
Marie says
They look good! How many WW points in each one?
Kathleen says
WOW! I’m seeing Fiber, Vitamins and Calcium on that wrapper. Sounds like good nutrition to me. I’m leaving work early in case there’s a run on Gold Brick Eggs at Krogers after this post.
Peggyinno says
I feel so sorry for all the deprived people that can’t get Gold Brick eggs. Why, it’s not Easter around here without them. YUM!!
Barbara says
OMG this was too funny!!
Doreen says
Gold Brick eggs…..never heard of them….oh, my! And I love chocolate! Hmmmmm, maybe we can work a deal where you could figure cost, p/h and send them to us poor folks up here in the Midwest. The timing would be good…..still cold enough not to present problems with the shipping temps..hehe! The sacrifices we make for our fellow quilters. You are a “peach”! Hugs, Doreen
Rose says
Dang they look sooo yummy … wondering if our stores would consider stocking these … we so need loads of “bricks” here in Christchurch, NZ and Gold Brick Eggs would be just the thing whilst we wait for the real ones to arrive for the big city rebuild 🙂
Kim W says
I have never seen them in New York either.
When we go to Florida at the end of the month, we will have to look for them. I’m always amazed when traveling in different parts of the country, the different things we find in the grocery stores that we don’t have at home.
Joni in La. says
Oh my gosh Gold Brick Eggs! I have been searching for them in the store ever since I saw the first Easter candy on the shelves. I have not been able to find them yet, but I’m keeping my eyes peeled. It’s only 160 calories. Could be worse!
Have you seen where the new Kleinpeter Ice Cream comes in a Gold Brick Egg flavor? I haven’t tried it yet, because I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop.
I love me some Gold Brick Eggs!!!!!!
Deb says
I’m so glad you happy in TX!!
Patty says
If you could send us each one that would be even better.
Linda says
Don’t think I’ve ever seen those, thanks so much for the sacrifices you make for your blog readers!
shirley bruner says
do they come in dark chocolate? if so, i would have to hunt some down.
Quilter Kathy says
YUM! No wonder you searched high and low for them! I will start looking now too!
pdudgeon says
and here all along you’ve been telling us that you didn’t like chocolate.
little did we know that there was an “exception” to the rule that would show up at your house around Easter……right? lol
Janyce R says
hmmm, Never heard of Gold Brick Eggs. But that is not saying much because I really am not in tune with Easter candy for the most part. But now that you have so kindly demonstrated that it is solid chocolate AND pecans I truly feel the need to give these a try. I sure hope they have them here in Colorado!
Carla in Ma says
I have been looking for Gold Brick Eggs here in Ma, but haven’t find any .
So Judy if you feel you can’t eat any more of your Gold Brick Eggs I would be more than happy to take them off your hands so I can experience them for myself. LOL
Sherry Moran says
You are so bad for me! I went to Kroger and after much looking, found the box of Gold Brick eggs! They were 2 for $6, so of course, I bought two! Got home, and HAD to try one out – well, it was GOOD! I put the rest of that box in the freezer (someone suggested that as a way to not eat all of them at one time).
Guess this will be my evening treat and I may have to buy more, so I’ll have some later. Thanks!
LaVonne Parizek says
What a great person to give us a non caloric chocolate fix! Had to enlarge the photo to see the brand and look online for them. Guess what…they have an online store and will ship them.
Nice to know that some Texans are normal after watching the Dallas women on the new GCB show last night.
Julie in WA says
Thank you for enlightening us poor ignorant readers. I must admit, I just see chocolate, which I love of course, but for you to rave in such a manner, there must be some special secret ingredient in the recipe!
Judy D in WA says
Thank goodness I couldn’t find those today while out and about. And I looked! 😉 And looked and looked…..
Linda in NE says
I certainly hope that now all your readers understand the sacrifices you are ready to make for us. 🙂 I’ve never seen a Gold Brick egg in my life, so I guess it must not be sold in my part of the country. We can find Cadbury eggs, but I’ve never been very impressed with them.
KatieQ says
Hey it’s got fiber. Doesn’t that make it health food?
Dora, the quilter says
I’ve never seen a Gold Brick Egg–but I’m going to look for one. I do hope that they are available in NM as well as TX!
Diane Hines says
I’ve never tried one, but now I will have to look for them. Krogers left South Texas, but maybe someone else has them. Judy, you could probably make a fortune importing them to all those places that don’t have them.
BettyB says
No fair, Judy! I’m trying to lay off chocolate for a while. Gold Brick eggs are my favorite Easter candy! You can’t buy these everywhere. When we lived in CT I couldn’t find them anywhere and had to have family send me some. Elmer’s is a LA company and I guess some folks are just missing out on a great treat. Have you tried the Blue Bell Gold Brick ice cream? Delicious. Be sure to stock up on the Gold Bricks because after Easter they are gone until next year.
Betty in B.R., LA
Marie says
Well the way I look at these is there is fiber in them, that’s good. And calcuim, that’s good for our bones, and they tell us nuts are good for us and to have a handful a day, so that’s good for us. That makes three things in them that’s good for us, so that should knock out the sugar that’s in them. But then that’s just my opinion, cause I’ve had these and they are wonderful!!!!!
Mel Meister says
You crack me up!
Mel Meister says
The web is your friend:
Doe in Mi says
You made me want one——–or two———–maybe three.
Linda S says
Oooo. Chocolate and pecans. That sounds really good. It would most likely make me sick, but I occasionally put up with an hour of sweating and nausea just to eat a little chocolate (I know, pathetic, huh?). 😉
carol c says
Judy, never heard of them, never seen them. We dont have a Krogers in Austin , and I am NOT driving to Houston for one or 6-lol
Looks good it sure does