You think I talk funny, you should hear my nephew. I was trying to get him to talk so I could record his accent; mom was trying to tell him this story and I was trying to stop her because I knew she’d say a bad word. You mostly hear me trying to stop mom from telling the story. What a family! 🙂 I love to hear Craig talk and wish I had gotten more of him speaking.
Pat says
Next time, you should let Craig tape something and have him describe what he is taping…..that way, he’ll be close to the microphone and we can hear his accent a lot better! (On this video, the accent we heard most was YOURS!!!)
Vicky says
Oh, Lordy, that accent makes me homesick!!
Cindy says
What are you talking about? You sound just like him!
peggy says
Le bon temp roulez or is it roules? I so know that accent. Having family in New Orleans. Anyhoo, today I was at a nursery in Aptos, CA, where I live. They have a class on chickens in an urban environment. Right there, in front of me, were the sweetest little guys. Americaunas! I had such a discussion with the nursery owner about my virtual friend in MO. She was very interested in the yogurt for calcium. It’s a small world, after all.
Sandra (Sandy Gail) says
Loved to hear the Cajun accent! Craig has it. If you do, Judy, I can’t tell it. You sound just like me. But what do I know since I live not too far from Tulsa. BTW, your mom has such a lovely home. It always looks so wonderful in your photos.