The chicken coop still isn’t finished but it isn’t going to be long. Have I said that before? I’m only repeating what I’ve been told so don’t hold me accountable!
This past weekend, a bit of touch up painting was done, some hardware was installed. Not sure what else needs to be done . . I do not ask!
Oh, how I love purple (and lime green, and pink, and gold, and . . any other color!) I do wish I could have a purple house again . . but I can’t. That was a previous life and now I’ll be happy to have a purple chicken house.
Want to see inside? C’mon in!

The floor has heavy duty plastic for easy scrubbing. Sure hope that isn't my job, but somehow, I'll bet it is!
OK . . that’s it for now. I hope the next time you see inside the coop, it’s looking very “used”.
Linda (Petey) says
The chicken house should be called a chicken palace! It is really looking good. You will soon forget the wait and be reaching in there for the first egg!! (We want to see a picture.) High compliments to the designer, builder, and painter.
Pat says
Looking good…….. 🙂
Eileen Keane says
Okay, I’m impressed. I’ll admit it. But……..I’d rather have that Victorian. I’ve always wanted a tower room
Karen says
I have nothing to compare it to but that sure looks like the taj mahal of chicken coops!
Maria Stahl says
It’s great. Looks like it’s built to last and not to drive you crazy for the many years you will be working with it.
Regina says
That’s quite a place! So…it took a while to get it started/finished but look at it! It’s awesome! Give Vince a big fat hug and tell him we’re all in awe of his incredible tool skills! That should freak him out….it would my hubby!
karla says
Awesome is the best I can come up with along with envious. can’t wait to see it in use.
Marilyn says
All I can say is WOW, that is really something…………worth the wait I’m sure.
Vince and everyone involved did a great job.
Judy in Michigan says
Will you paint the inside? or maybe a little wallpaper to encourage the laying?? (hee-hee) LOVE IT ! Hugs to the engineer!
Pat Wys says
Will you be making a “Home Sweet Home” sign?
Maya says
Oh wow! Slow and steady wins the race – doesn’t it? It looks great; those are going to be some very happy chickens when they move into their mansion.
Sue Lord says
Now that is one fine chicken house! Vince may be slow but he sure does a top notch job.
Amy says
AWESOME Coop!!! To me, it looks like it will be well worth the wait 🙂
Joan says
I love your chicken coop! Great colors! One question…..What is going to stop the chickens from hopping out when you open the door over the nesting boxes???? It seems like the opening is really long. If you are at one end collecting eggs, could the chickens escape from the other???? Maybe you’ll get lucky and the nasty one will make a break for it…..
Diana W says
Ya know Judy, you really shouldn’t be complaining…..he IS doing it and he is doing an excellent job of it. You have to admit if he slapped it together and it looked crappy you would NOT be happy. So what if it took 2 months to build it. He did it right and you have the most stylish, well built chicken coop in the state.
Be grateful!
(You know I’m just razzing you but you have no idea how it is on the “other side” My husband does everything half way and it never looks finished. Trust me, Vince’s way is much better, even if you have to wait a while.)
Linda says
Nice. Best looking chicken coop I’ve ever seen. Honest.
One thing though……Maybe there should be some hooks or latches or something to hold the lid to the nesting boxes closed. Otherwise a strong wind could blow it open or a devious coon or possum or some other critter might be able to push it up and get in. Wouldn’t want your beautiful chickens to become some critter’s midnight snack.
Alison says
That sure is a palatial chicken coop, only one thing missing now … they need a quilt LOL
Sheryl says
It’s beautiful but then it’s purple so why wouldn’t it be beautiful? 🙂
Mary Carole says
Never thought I’d be following the life of a chicken coop!! Good job, Vince. Have the future residents given their approval?!!
Cleary Kipe says
Wow Jdy, that looks good. I’ve been telling my Hubby about your coup and your chickens and guess what, he wants me to look up chickens so we might be getting some soon. Not as many as you have but this should be interesting.:-)