I am so ready for a Quiltathon. This was the scene in my kitchen this afternoon. I know I get plenty done but I never seem to get as much accomplished as I plan. I get sidetracked easily and waste a lot of time. Anyway, I grilled the mushrooms for dinner so they’re not for the weekend. But, I did make bread. The smaller loaf has finely chopped pecans and it’s so good toasted, with jelly. Split pea soup is in the crockpot for tomorrow. Brisket is marinating for Sunday. Laundry is done. House is as clean as it’s going to get til Monday . . I am ready to sew.
About the stinkin’ sewing machine — Norece from Nashville, who is a longarmer and a long time internet friend, wrote me about a Bernina dealer near Nashville who kinda specializes in the old machines. I talked to him and the machines from “that era” (I’m guessing 1130, 1230, 1260 types) have had a history of a problem with the light switch burning out. He said they just bypass the light switch so when the machine is on, the light is on. Only problem is . . my on/off switch for the machine has never worked and it’s been on for 19 years. (I know — I’m such a bad machine owner!). I’m going to send it to him and he’s going to check everything out, fix whatever needs fixing, make sure it will last another 19 years and send it back to me. I’ll get it boxed up and hopefully UPS will pick it up Monday. Shipping will be outrageous since it weighs a ton but I’d have to drive to Kansas City, leave it and then go back to pick it up. With the cost of gas, I’m not complaining about spending $50 or $60 each way to ship it to Nashville.
Marlene says
My husband is going out of town in the morning and returning Sunday afternoon so I’m joining you for the quiltathon this weekend – got plenty to do! blessings, marlene
Diane says
I have a 1230 and my machine doctor rewired mine so the light is on if the power is on. I drive over an hour to get to my machine guy, but he is worth it.
pdudgeon says
so glad you found out what the problem was, and someone to fix it for you!
Vicky says
“Have had a history of a problem with the light switch burning out” — after 19 years! I’d say you got your money’s worth out of that light switch! LOL. Have fun quilting this weekend!
Karen says
yummy looking food, but I ‘m glad you said what it all was, because when I first looked at your marinating brisket, I thought it was like a blueberry cobbler with a funky looking crust!! LOL I can’t join you guys this weekend, it’s my oldest GD’s birthday, teaching a class, etc. But have fun!
Martha says
My DH and DS will be rebuilding a race engine all weekend. They won’t stop to eat, no cooking necessary. The house is clean, DD did the housework for a new haircut. Nothing left between me and the quilting!
KathyFL says
Let’s see….husband out of town till Tues…DD working today….means sewing time for me!! Woohoo off to get started!
dee says
I’m in. There’s a village fall festival in my town where all the roads are closed and a thousand people who don’t live her clog up the streets with local politicians. We wouldn’t leave the house on a bet. You could not have picked a more perfect time to hide out and sew. Thanks Judy.
Leah S says
Looks like I’m able to join in the quiltathon too! I don’t have a lot of hopes of getting anything completed, cuz I’m fighting a cold. But something is always better than nothing.