Please don't get the idea that I have nothing else to do . . good grief . . what is wrong with me? I have so much I should be doing. But I was reading about tortoise shell cats and to make this post ever more absurd, I'm not a cat lover. I have Boots because he showed up at our house and I do love him but he's not like most cats. He doesn't rub on me. He rarely meows. He doesn't go upstairs ...
Another Outside “Pet”
Several months ago, there was a tiny little bunny that seemed to be living under our greenhouse. A couple of times I would go out with the dogs and that little rabbit would scare me half to death. Once evening he ran out and went right between my feet and Cooper. I think it scared us both. I never saw a mom or siblings. If I go more than a couple of days without seeing him, I get concerned but ...
A Cat
You remember Cat, the feral tortoise shell cat that showed up at our house in Texas in 2016. She was there for at least four years and I spent a lot of time trying to make friends with that cat. She was so standoffish but after a while, she would come up and rub on my legs. A couple of times if I sat outside and was very quiet and very still, she plopped down on my lap, then remembered she ...
The Pickup
Why is it that I can work in the garden all day, even when it's 100+ degrees outside or stand in the kitchen canning all day but things like we did today, even though it was only a few hours, just completely wear me out? You know that Chad hit a deer in his old (2001) pickup on August 9. He didn't have full coverage insurance and the damages were enough that the truck wasn't worth fixing . . ...
CJ’s Fruitcake Recipe
Sorry folks. I really thought I had included a link to CJ's Fruitcake. You can find it here. ...
Cross Stitching Plans
The plan was to work on Summer Schoolhouse through September 15, with the goal of finishing the first chart. Here's where I am as of this morning: Here's a picture of the cover of this chart: I am not going to stitch anything below the house since I'm putting the four charts together as one. I have a plan for how I'll stitch that area but I want to wait til I have all the main part ...