The day isn’t over but my friend and I got together and stitched pretty much non-stop from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Last night I was up well past midnight. There were a few . . not disappointments but “what was I thinking?” moments.
Instead of choosing linen and basting it to a frame, I had several frames that already had linen “installed”. These had been for other projects and since I mostly use 40 count linen, I assumed these were 40 count pieces. Wrong!
Ann Morison
I love Picture This Plus linen but some part of their process tightens up those squares so instead of using 40 count, I usually buy 36 count if it’s Picture This Plus. Apparently, the fabric I had on the frame for Ann is Picture this Plus and it’s 40 count. It wouldn’t be so bad with silk but I have DMC cotton for this project. It’s going to be tough and I’ll probably forego the specialty stitches and make plain squares.

This is how much I got done very early on January 1. That’s 246 stitches.
Only Once
I worked on this one before I left to go meet my friend this morning. This fabric is 46 count! I had assumed it was 40 count. Again . . DMC cotton. It’s going to be tough but I can do it.

I got 162 stitches done.
This is the Day:
Yay! One that will be easy for me. 40 count linen. Vikki Clayton Silks.

This is the one I worked on all day while my friend and I stitched. 370 stitches.
That’s 778 stitches today and I should get at least two or three hours of stitching done before midnight. The dogs have finally calmed down and are sleeping next to me on the sofa. Let the stitching begin.
justquiltin says
Off to an excellent start!