Chad, Nicole and Addie were here Sunday and we were all sitting and talking and Addie said "Oh, let me show you this house I want!" Chad was shaking his head. He said Addie checks the real estate listings several times a day. She's looking for a farm. She said she wants a Highland cow, goats and chickens! Chad was just shaking his head and I was cracking up. She's definitely giving him a taste of ...
Chad’s “New” Pickup
It's far from new but it will be new to him and it will be much needed (probably used and abused) and I hope he loves it half as much as he loved his other pickup. He only wanted a GMC or Chevrolet because his friend will work on those and that guy can fix anything! Vince had gone by our mechanic's shop the other day because he wanted to ask them about doing some work on his car and he was ...
The Value of Canning
There are a often posts I write and then decide not to publish because I feel like some are going to see it as virtue signaling or "I do better than you do" and that's never ever what I intend. Even when I write a post like this, please know that I do sometimes buy canned beans; we do eat out occasionally. We could do a lot better in so many areas of our lives but . . we don't always do it! And, ...
Eating 30 Foods
Vince has been doing a lot of research on healthy eating and a while back he came across this list and an article about eating 30 different foods each week. Before we started really paying attention, we were mostly eating at least 30 items on this list per week. According to Vince, who has read the material, if you eat broccoli twice a week, that doesn't count as two plants because it's the ...
Sweet Potatoes
It isn't quite time to harvest the sweet potatoes but I've been wanting a home grown baked sweet potato and I like to let them cure for about 10 days before we use them, so I went to the first bed where I had planted them. I planted them three different times, in three different beds over a two month time period so I was hoping to find some nice sweet potatoes in the bed that I planted first . . ...
Fabric Orders
I THINK everyone who has ordered fabric has heard from me. IF you ordered fabric and I still had what you wanted and you have not received an email from me with the amount due, PLEASE contact me - email Hopefully, the new system will work. I have priority mails stacked in the downstairs bedroom. Once someone orders, I will put that fabric in the box, write your name on the box somewhere that ...