Every time I start to share something here about Chad, I giggle a bit because I know there are a few of you here who remember Chad’s high school/college years. For those who weren’t around that long ago, he wasn’t a terrible kid but there were some difficult times – part of raising our kiddos I suppose. Vince and I got more than a few calls from the high school principal but I know it could have been way worse. Looking back and seeing what some parents go through, it wasn’t so bad but . . had I done even a small percentage of the things he did, I probably would not be around to talk about it now but that’s what my parents wanted me to believe; and I did so it worked for them I suppose.
Chad isn’t perfect . . that’s what Vince says anyway! 🙂 But, he is a good guy. I think he’s a good husband and a good dad. Nicole and Addie seem to think he walks on water.
They came here to do some shopping Saturday so they came by our house and spent a few hours. Then Sunday they came back again because Chad had found something on Marketplace that he had been looking for so they came back by for a couple of hours. It was nice to get to see them two days in a row. And, I get to see Nicole and Addie this afternoon and Chad will be here again this weekend to help Vince with some things.

They take the little Corgi everywhere so she sometimes gets to spend the day at Granny’s house when they’re going to be shopping for a long time. They all love dogs. They still have their Husky that showed up in a Walmart store when Chad was still working for Walmart. Addie was 2 or 3 years old then so Speck has to be close to 12 or 13. And, they still have an older Corgi.
Anyway . . this is a good picture of Chad and I haven’t talked about him in a while so it’s ok for mom to brag a bit, right? Thank you for “listening”.
Carolyn says
Chad has become a fine young man, you should be very proud! I think about some of the things we went through with our kids and I’m amazed that we are as close to them as we are. My older daughter keeps telling me we need another girls getaway, I never thought she’d want something like that when she was in high school, yet we’ve taken trips to Disney and a cruise together, and we vacation with her family every year! It’s awesome!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
That’s so nice. I suppose there are many families who thought they wouldn’t make it through some of the crazy years and hopefully they’re all where we are today with our adult children.
Anne L Kirby says
Oh Judy, my son was worse. We got calls from the cops. But it never panned out to be anything too serious. And he’s now a good guy too. Owns a house, a wife and 2 kids, the whole thing. It’s so wonderful and such a blessing isn’t it? But we had the sleepless nights didn’t we?!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
We did have some sleepless nights and LOTS of praying! I’m so glad your son is doing so well.
Terri says
Oh I remember the stories. I was living them also! My son is about the same age as Chad. And like Chad not a “bad” kid – just very very mischievous 🙂 And now, just like Chad he’s grown into a very good man. Runs our very busy businesses (2) and is doing an amazing job. so YES brag away! We both have a lot to be proud of.