I’m sorry if you get tired of seeing dog pictures. I say that every time but they crack me up. In the mornings, they play/fight and you’d think they were trying to kill each other but apparently, that’s normal. They will go at it for 30 minutes to an hour and I let them do it til they’re ready to stop because then, they will curl up and sleep for about 3 hours. Then, it starts all over again.
At night when they’re tired, they snuggle up like best buddies.

I’m surprised Oscar lets him do that but they both seem to love being close when they’re tired. Cooper gets in some of the funniest positions – mostly sleeping on his back with all his legs straight up in the air. He cracks me up with some of his expressions.
We were so lucky to get these two little guys. They keep us entertained and busy!
Sherry Bobak says
That is the sweetest picture of them! So adorable (when they’re sleeping.) LOL
judy.blog@gmail.com says
They are so sweet and I’m so productive when they’re sleeping! 🙂 Pretty much like having a baby or two I suppose.
vivoaks says
I heard as a teenager that having a dog was like having a perpetual toddler. I honestly believe it! I don’t have any dogs or cats anymore, but I prefer the independence of cats – not having to wait on them all the time. Although I did have a cat at one time that would go to the door to be let out to potty. We didn’t even have a litter box in the house. My daughter’s dog hated when she got a cat, but after a year or more, they are finally coming close to cuddling when they sleep now…and that dog was brought up with cats!! Never a dull moment, that’s for sure!! 🙂
Sandi says
I love when you tell us what those 2 darlings are up to! Dachshunds are my favorite breed. I have 2 myself. I had 3 but one recently passed away. She was 16. The breed is so adorable and they usually have the sweetest personalities. I love to read about your stitching also. I love cross stitching too. Hugs,
Dotti Hossler says
With the weather being unsettled, was wondering about your Uncle. Hope all is well.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
Things seem to be ok. I talked to him a few days ago after there had been tornadoes near him and he was fine. Thanks for thinking of him!
Brenda in Georgia says
Always love seeing anything about the dogs. They are so cute!