We came home Thursday. I was sure that by noon on Friday, I’d have lettuce planted in the inside growing area. Nope . . still haven’t done it. Today I will get two trays of lettuce planted and hopefully a few more things.
Yesterday I finished cleaning and chopping the rest of the strawberries. Except for the ones I held out to make more strawberry rhubarb jam, the strawberries are all now in the freezer.

I canned 9 more pints of strawberry rhubarb jam so that gives us 14 pints. I had hoped for 15 pints but I’m happy with 14.
Yesterday morning I made biscuits so we could have strawberry rhubarb jam! So delicious!
You know that I love trying new recipes. I think it was Sunday I watched Mandy in the Making on Youtube and she made this recipe. It looked so good. I had a bag of frozen hash browns in the freezer that I needed to use so I grabbed those and basically followed Mandy’s recipe. I added avocado, chopped tomatoes and salsa to ours. I didn’t have andouille defrosted but I had some kind of Polish sausage in the fridge so I used that. It was delicious and something we’ll have again. I used a skillet . . if I have an electric griddle, I don’t know where it is; there’s a griddle that fits in the middle of my stove but I find a skillet just as easy.
For dinner yesterday I fixed chicken piccata and there were leftovers. We had broccoli leftover on Sunday so today I’m going to chop up some of the leftover chicken (there will still be enough left for chicken quesadillas later in the week), cook some rice, chop the leftover steamed broccoli, add a bit of cream and cheese and have chicken, broccoli, rice casserole. On the menu for today is grilled steak but it’s going to be raining and even if it isn’t raining, the mosquitoes are terrible!! In Louisiana we always had bad mosquitoes but either I have forgotten having them this bad or they were never this bad. We don’t usually have terrible mosquitoes here but with all the rain we’ve had, they are just awful. I put either Avon Skin So Soft or Zevo on and both really help but then I come in and scrub my hands and arms because of the dogs and the cross stitching, then 10 minutes later, a dog wants to go out again. The mosquitoes are getting between my eyes and my glasses – that’s how bad they are!
No jam to make today; cooking is mostly leftovers – maybe if it does rain, I’ll get lots of stitching time today.
I planted Marigold flowers around my yard last year, they seem to help. Planting more this year too, hoping for the best.