After working five days on A Symphony of Friendship, I felt like I needed a break from something so big. The stitching is fun . . most all stitching is fun for me or maybe I just don’t do the pieces that don’t look like fun, but with it being so big, it’s a big harder to handle. I ended up taking the frame off the stand and have been stitching it with the frame propped against my knees, which gets uncomfortable after a long time of stitching. Having two dogs up and down on my lap; off my lap doesn’t help but I’ll figure it out. The Leap Year Project is just as wide but it’s in my big stand and I don’t want to have to keep taking it in and out of the stand so . . I’ll figure something out because both of those are long term projects.
But, I was feeling like I wanted to work on something small. Teresa Kogut’s Patreon projects this month were just beautiful and one is 150 x 150 which isn’t as small as some but smaller than what I’ve been working on. I had all the DMC floss for it so I started it yesterday and here’s how far I got.

There are four of these little “boxes”. I started on the right so this one is hope. The one on the left is faith and that’s probably the one I will do next. I’d like to have at least the four text boxes stitched, except for the fill in stitching, by next weekend so I can take it to the group stitching and do the fill in work while visiting. If not, there’s still This I Know that needs weeks of fill in stitching done.
The alphabet spans across all four boxes so if you’re wondering why “HI” is there, that’s just all I’ve gotten to so far.
I did change some of the colors. The two lighter blue flowers are called for and all four were supposed to be that same color but I added the darker blue, just for some variety. Also, the stems were a color that was going to totally blend into this fabric so I changed them to DMC 831, which is a greenish brown. I think I’ll also stitch the J and the L (my initials) in different colors – maybe a peach or a pink. I’ll leave those to last and decide after everything else is stitched.
justquiltin says
Very pretty start
Rebecca L says
The second blue is a nice touch.
What a clever idea to make your initials a different color! AND they are in the right order! says
Thank you!