A reader asked about the pasta dies. In some places, they’re called screens and in some places they’re called dies. I have no idea if there’s a difference in the actual product or just a difference in what people call them. I’m just going to call them dies because screens are a bit of a hot topic around our house right now – not necessarily a happy topic! Long story you do not want to hear! 🙁
This is the pasta maker I ordered. The reviews are good. The price seems reasonable (on sale now for $189.99). They say the regular price is $279.99. Yes, it makes a fairly small amount of pasta. If you have a dozen mouths to feed, this probably isn’t a pasta maker you’d want to buy but, from what I’ve seen and I haven’t done a lot of research, the machine most people go to after this size costs over $1,000. I think this one will work for me! 🙂
As you know, I have no personal experience with the extruder type pasta makers so this is what I’ve read. There are “POM” screens which to me, from the pictures, look like hard plastic. This model machine is 2660/03 and part of the 7000 series.

It is not easy (or it wasn’t for me) to find a list of the dies that come with the machine. I downloaded the owner’s manual and this is what it shows. I had to google some of these shapes because I have no idea what they are. If you’re interested in knowing more about this machine, the owner’s manual can be downloaded here.

For the real fun, go to Pastidea and look at all the dies that can be purchased. For a newbie, it’s a bit overwhelming. This is a Philips 7000 series machine so at Pastidea, click on English, then “Screens & Accessories”, then Philips 7000 Series.
NOTE: If buying dies for the Philips 7000 series, you will need an adapter for the Pastidea bronze dies, but not for the POM dies. I don’t think it matters if you get the white POM adapter or the pretty colored dies. I got the white one and, with my order, I asked if that was correct and they said yes.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Pastidea has a sale through midnight November 30. I have no idea when midnight in Italy is compared to midnight in Missouri. Based on the amount of your order, you can get 10% off, 20% off or 30% off. And at some point, you get free UPS shipping. I’m not even going to say what I think that threshold is because I’m always wrong with conversions. Pastidea’s shipping is FAST. Someone in the U.S. had mentioned that they ordered from Amazon and from Pastidea on the same day and the Pastidea order arrived before the Amazon order did. I ordered from Pastidea on Tuesday morning (our time) and it’s already in the U.S., cleared customs and should be delivered Friday.
There is a pasta making group on Facebook called “Pastafanataholics with Pastidea extruding with Philips, KitchenAid & others”. You can find that group on FB. The lady who is the pasta guru there has shared a pretty extensive book that can be downloaded. In that book she talks about the advantages and disadvantages of the POM vs. the bronze dies. Then, there is a regular bronze die and a coated bronze die.
The Philips 7000 series is a fairly new model. I’ve read that any of the dies that say they will fit the Philips Avance with an adapter will fit the 7000 series.
This all probably sounds overwhelming, and it was a bit when I first started looking at it but I think I’m on the right track now and ready to start making pasta. I have a lot to learn. There are so many dies! I did order a few. Here are some of the ones I ordered:
Gnocchi – I’ve tried making that by hand with the gnocchi board. I definitely needed more (way more) practice.
Christmas Tree
Giant Shells – If my conversion from mm to inches is correct, these should be about 1.53″
Paw – They call it a “zampa” which, according to Google is “the paws of an animal such as a dog, cat or bear”.
Giant Snowflake – You know how much I love snow. This is about 1.33″ so it will be fun to make.
Bucatini – Of course I had to get buccatini! This is .19″ so it’s smaller than what we buy in the store.
Triangular Shaped Macaroni – That looks fun!
I didn’t get this turkey but I REALLY wanted him. Why would I order all those dies and not get one I REALLY wanted? Who knows why I do what I do! I guess I was thinking I wouldn’t get it til after Thanksgiving but there’s always next year!
Remember back when kids made art with dried pasta? Wouldn’t some of these be fun to use for kids’ art?
Two questions I have for myself:
- Will we ever use the storebought pasta we have on hand? I’m sure we will but it may take much longer than I thought it would when I bought it.
- Will I be considered a slacker if I use the storebought pasta instead of making homemade?
Time will tell!
Cody says
I am like you with making home made pasta, I have the hand crank, and one for my kitchen aid, but I am a bit lazy and if this mixes the dough then makes the pasta, I think that I may buy one.
I’m looking forward to your review of it.
tiptopquilts says
Oh why did I pop in on your blog today?!?! lol This looks like something we would love! Can’t wait to see future posts regarding it. My new Ankarsrum mixer arrived a few hours ago.
judy.blog@gmail.com says
You sound like me . . buy one expensive item and then find something else you can’t live without. Enjoy that Ankarsrum. They sure are interesting!
Denise in PA says
Hi Judy, thanks for the tip! I just ordered this yesterday. I could live on pasta so I’m so excited about this! I’ve had a hand crank machine for years (and think I only used it once) and thought about buying the attachment for my KitchenAid. But, this looks so easy and has such great reviews and with the sale, I couldn’t resist. Merry Christmas to me!
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I hope you love the machine as much as we do.