Yesterday I started stitching on “And Be Kind to One Another” by Needlework Press. As you know, I’m a huge fan of Victoria Clayton’s hand dyed silks.

I LOVE that variegated red floss, which is Niggling Details. Right or wrong, I’ve justified in my head/budget that the cost of her silks vs. the cost of overdyed floss vs. the joy I get from stitching with her beautiful silks is worth it for me. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll use DMC and in the end, most of the time cannot tell in a finished project which floss was used unless I really scrutinize the piece. These gorgeous silks on bobbins all lined up in a bobbin box make me happy.

There’s been a bit of a kerfuffle about whether Vikki Clayton should be selling her conversion of silks when another shop is selling an “exclusive” kit. I’m not arguing. I don’t even care who’s wrong and who’s right but I do have an opinion. Of course I do! The “exclusive” in my mind is the chart. No one else is selling that. DMC or another brand of silk floss, which I would not have bought, were offered but were not required to be purchased. My friend, Pat, sent me a link to the chart and I had not seen it and while it is gorgeous, it looks way more detailed than what I normally stitch so I said “I’ll pass”. Then I saw Vikki Clayton’s silks. She simply shared on her Facebook page that she had a conversion. I went and looked and they are so pretty, I was hooked and ordered the chart. That’s a sale that would not have been made had it not been for seeing Vikki’s silks.
Now . . there’s a discussion about whether it’s “moral” for Vikki to create and sell a conversion while the ongoing “exclusive” is being offered. In the comments, several mentioned that an “exclusive” basically means some or something is excluded and in this world where “inclusive” seems to be such a big deal, and I agree that it should be . . why is there even a need for “exclusive” charts/kits”? Many in the discussion have agreed that they no longer buy exclusives for that reason.
This entire thing has changed my way of thinking about shops, designers, haves, have nots. I’m not going to change the word but I can change where I shop and who I shop with.
And while I’m on this rant (of sorts), I’ve almost totally stopped watching floss tubes because (1) I want to buy everything I see but (2) I’m so tired of the ones who used to be my favorite being given free stuff that they then push as the best thing since sliced bread. Many of the floss tubes I used to love seem like nothing more than 1 to 1.5 hour commercials these days. Show me what YOU bought! Show me what YOU stitched or what you want to stitch or what ideas you came up with while stitching. Last night I noticed that one of my very favorite flosstubers had posted a new video. Usually I would drop everything and watch it but last night .. I just wasn’t in the mood and turned it off. I think I’ve lost interest in flosstube and I hear my credit card sighing in relief and saying “thank you”. Also, I am done with exclusives. Don’t care how gorgeous they are . . I have gorgeous charts that I am not going to live long enough to stitch so I am off that “exclusive” band wagon. And, I feel very good about that decision.
Anyway, I started out writing this blog post, with all this controversy fresh on my mind and as I typed the name of this chart, Be Kind to One Another, it thought about kindness and greed and greed can take over and an otherwise kind person (NOT talking about this incident or anyone in particular – totally thinking about the name of the chart) can become or seem unkind. Then I typed the name of the floss “Niggling Details” and I thought about how one person’s view/opinion of an incident can be shared and everyone will agree with that opinion, then the other side shares their version of how the incident happened and now there are two sides to a story . . those “niggling details”. 🙂
It all made me smile in the midst of feeling sad . . sad for all the parties involved in this kerfuffle, sad for our world and the way things are, sad for those who would love to pay $36 for a gorgeous chart and ANY floss to be able to stitch it but are struggling to put food on the table. The world needs a lot more kindness . . let it begin with me.
Jean B in PA says
I understand what you are feeling about flosstube. I watch less than I used to. I am down to about 5 that I am faithful to. Mostly I like the people, rather than just what they are stitching on. I do follow many more on Instagram which I enjoy for seeing the progress and finishes.
Toni says
Like you, I have more charts than I will ever be able to stitch in my lifetime. The exclusives are nearly always released for general purchase about a year later. With the few exclusive charts that I bought, I found that I hadn’t even started them before they were released. At that point, I sort of decided not to buy them for that reason. I also kind of got over that feeling of being left out, as FOMO triggers so many of these types of purchases. says
Agree 100%. FOMO is such an easy trap to fall into and I’ve been so guilty. I don’t understand the concept of Shop A gets to sell this exclusively. We all have relationships with shops, whether it’s local or an online shop it seems to me, short of retreat project pieces, they should all be available to all shops but . . what do I know? Like you . . I’m done with exclusives. If I still want them when they’re released, I’ll get them then.
Pat Anderson says
I think your post today was needed…with our economy the way it is, I am sure there are those who simply can’t afford the charts, the linen, or the floss! Sadly, I don’t see it changing (for the better) anytime soon. I, too, think Vikkys silks are extraordinary, but I just can’t afford to stitch with them much. I have purchase one set, but haven’t stitched with them yet. We are all so privileged to be able to afford this hobby and the peace it can bring. I think it would behoove us all (note the big word!) to try to be kind. We never know what other people are going through and kindness seems to be in short supply. Great post, Judy! says
Things just seem different than they did a few years ago when I got back to stitching. I’m not liking this new “normal”.
Nelle Coursey says
It seems to me this happens a lot nowadays. In any project I have done there seems to be some who like controversy. I don’t know if they get involved in the “selling” and just become greedy or what the problem is. And since I am not familiar with this current problem, I shouldn’t say anything at all. It seems to me someone is trying to make it easier for others to get beautiful floss to do their project. To me the pattern is the main thing. Where you get the floss is another. Just as in knitting. As you know there are not many places here where we can get yarn other than Walmart or Hobby Lobby. When making special projects, I want special yarn and I have to pay more for it. Nothing bad about Walmart or Hobby Lobby, but as you know they don’t have the same quality as the specialty stores. I don’t blame you for wanting to have pretty floss to do your projects. That makes them stand out and they are special to you. says
You hit it on the head, Nelle. You’re right . . special supplies for special projects but these days, we all have to be careful with our spending and I just don’t understand the actions/comments that were made these past few days.
Susan Leone says
And I thought it was just me feeling that some floss tubes have become one big commercial or a parade of this is what I bought this week! I’ve left those behind and tend to enjoy the ones where I can learn something or those that show stitches that are not the same old same old as everyone else’s . says
I’ve had emails from several others who feel the same way so it isn’t just you and me. It’s sad because they were so inspiring just a short time ago. I’m sure we’re in the minority or they would change but . . that’s ok. I’m getting more stitching done and less watching youtube.