This evening I had a brief moment of Oscar sitting on my lap but I think it was only so he could get a better view of something Vince was doing.

He is not even noticing that I’m getting his picture . . he’s intently watching Vince.
At least 20 times a day, we throw this rubbery bone, he fetches, brings it back to us, wants us to take it and throw it again but tries to bite off our hand as we try to get it from him. I’ll throw this as long as he’ll chase it because that runs off some energy.

This little dog sure came with a big personality.
vivoaks says
You definitely got your money’s worth!! As long as you enjoy him, it’s all worth it! 🙂 says
We did get our money’s worth as far as entertainment value. I will be happy when he slows down a bit. It’s my fault because I asked for a spunky puppy and that’s definitely what we got.
Dottie says
I can see that tail wagging BIG time. Happy, Happy Oscar! says
Wasn’t that funny. He’s such a happy little guy.
Cilla says
He’s a smooth coat and a Pie Bald. 2 big personalities. I love all the Oscar stories. Run Oscar, run!!!! says
Until you told me, I never realized different “styles” had different personalities. He’s a rascal for sure. I just noticed he’s almost totally chewed through the gate to the stairs. I told him tonight . . I’ll be so happy when you’ll sit in my chair with me and I can love on you without losing a finger. 🙂
Sandra Gail Hutchins says
Ohhh, there is sweet Oscar boy! He is getting big. And look at that tail go!