Yesterday I helped Vince get the tarps down under the deck and today he’s going to start staining.

In the spring Vince got one coat of stain on the deck boards but he wanted to get another coat on them, and stain the spindles and hand rails so .. the plan is that he will start working on that today.
He had someone that was going to stain the deck and the fence but then Vince decided “we” could do it ourselves. Not so sure how much I can do but I’ll try.
Oscar was not happy about walking through the door and having to step on the blue tarp that hasn’t been there before but he knows he gets a treat for going out so I pulled a treat out of my pocket, said “Go pee!” and like a brave dog, he walked across the tarp! For the next few days, we’ll have to make sure Vince isn’t working right above the door when we go out.
Many, many years ago a friend was painting some part of the outside of her house. She was up on a ladder with a bucket of paint and her dachshund was running around. I’m not sure how it happened but the paint fell and the dachshund ended up covered in paint. Let’s hope nothing like that happens with Oscar.
Susan says
We (meaning my younger son) stained two coats on ours in the spring and trying to decide whether to do one more before our supposed-to-be super cold winter. Maybe, since I know what happens when you don’t do it. Ha, ha. says
So you think maybe 3 coats or do you think it will need to be restained every fall? Yes, we definitely know what happens when it isn’t stained often enough and maintained. Vince said if he thought we’d be here 10 years or more, he would have done Trex (or something similar).
Rebecca says
That reminds me of how muuch I love the look of painted wood (it calls to my heart), which I don’t see so much around here (stucco), but then I remember how much more maintenance is involved! says
Right! I think Vince is wishing now that he had used the manufactured wood.