It was a busy day. Addie is cheering again this year and today was their first game in Nevada so we went there today. They were playing Webb City but, of course, we sat on the Nevada side and cheered for them.
We had a late breakfast at home, her game was at 1; I figured we’d be home by 3 or 3:30 and we’d be home in time to get the dumplings made for dinner. No .. didn’t happen that way. By the time we got to Nevada, I had a headache and no aspirins in the car. It was miserably hot sitting in the sun at the game. It had seemed cool and overcast when I was outside earlier in the morning. In fact, it was drizzling for a bit so Vince checked the weather for Nevada to see if it was raining there. It wasn’t but I was hoping it wouldn’t be too hot but it was so hot. At halftime, I asked Vince if he wanted to stay for the whole game or if he wanted to leave and he said . . whatever you want to do is fine. I said “leave” so we said our goodbyes and left. Vince wanted to run in the grocery store and get something and I said “I’m going in and getting a snack because I’m starving!” My headache had kinda gone away so I didn’t think to grab some aspirins. We ended up getting chicken strips and by the time we got home, my head was hurting again so I took aspirins, went to bed and slept til after 6 p.m.

We had stopped by Jeremy’s dad’s when we first got to Nevada and he gave us some tomatoes. Mine have already been pulled up and peas are growing in the buckets. As soon as I woke up from my nap, I thought about BLTs so that’s what we had for dinner.
Roast is on the menu for today so we’ll have chicken and dumplings tomorrow.
Not a single cross stitch made today but maybe I can get in a few stitches before bedtime.