This morning we had to go to town to pick up our Azure Standard order so we decided to run by Lowe’s in Carthage and see if they had any scratch & dent model stove but they didn’t. Vince said “Let’s run to Joplin and we can check Home Depot and Lowe’s there.” He had a 20% off coupon for Lowe’s so we went there first.
They had a basic, no frills – not self cleaning oven, no clock, no timer – BASIC stove that someone had ordered and never picked up and it was marked down.

This is the stove but it’s black. It’s a full size, 30″ stove and it will be great for canning. By the time Vince was done “negotiating” and using his coupon, we got that stove for just a bit over $300. I had found a used one about an hour south of here that was $300 and we were thinking of getting that one!
Hopefully next week, I’ll be canning in the basement!
Nelle Coursey says
Good deal! I was worried about you using the other one indoors. Don’t want you to hurt yourself. says
I wasn’t worried about it but this will be so much better. Plus, it gives me another oven that I can use if I need an extra one.
patti says
maybe 3-ish weeks ago you were talking about canning hamburger because you could cook it and drain it so you could just heat it up when you needed it. i went back looking for it, and tried the search option too with no luck. someone had asked how you do it, then later i had this brainstorm that it might work for me!
we have been stocking up food in the freezers and are OUT of room! we grind our own hamburger (but i would leave fat in it for flavor), so the sales i see are killing me because we have no room. if i could can it, that would solve my problem! i don’t know if you answered the question, and if so a link would be just fine. i’ve been mostly using my steaming canner so should probably buy a new seal before doing meat… and the roast intrigued me too, but i often make tacos, spaghetti, sloppy joes so ready to use hamburger would be great. says
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