Yesterday I was watching Brenda & The Serial Starter’s latest flosstube and they were showing all the amazing charts they had purchased at market. Brenda . . I think it was Brenda . . was talking about the pleasure of buying the charts and the separate pleasure of stitching the charts. It isn’t just about buying for the sake of buying but it’s about having the charts in your hand, about dreaming of stitching them; about planning the floss and fabric you’ll use and where the chart will hang in our homes. For me, there’s so much more to just typing in the credit card number and hitting “Buy”.
Then, there’s the package arriving in the mail; opening it up and looking at it and getting excited about it again.
Then, there’s the stitching!
Sometimes, it’s about buying what makes you happy. I think it’s Sheri at Colorado Cross Stitcher who has her charts divided up by content and I can’t remember how she has them divided but if it were me, I’d have Christmas, Winter, Patriotic, Spring, Fall, Reproduction . . and then Sheri has a tub for Inspiration. She said there may be charts in there that she will never stitch but they inspire her. That’s worth something, right?
Yesterday when I was placing project bags on the table for the stitching chair upstairs, I sat down and one by one, took them out to look at them. Vince came in and asked what I was doing and I said “Just looking at charts.” He said “You sure look at your charts a lot!” I do. I can look at the same charts every day and get inspired all over again.
By the time Brenda and Laura’s flosstube was over, I decided I needed more charts! Honestly, about 80% of what they showed, I had not even seen. They were at market and I was not but, I thought I saw most of the charts online for sale last year. I think they didn’t have an in person market last year because of Covid so maybe that’s why.
I did end up spending a bit of time at Kitten Stitcher and ordered these few:

Merry Merry Pinkeep by Stacy Nash – I knew if I waited til any time near Christmas, this one would be nowhere to be found. The stitch count isn’t listed but I might put that one in a little frame.
Be Merry by Mojo Stitches – This looks quick enough that I could make one for Addie’s teacher for Christmas.
Sarah Barker 1824 by PIneberry Lane – I love the colors and it looks pretty quick to stitch. This is one I think both Brenda and Laura had purchased.
Sarah Fletcher 1841 by Hands Across the Sea Samplers – Both Brenda and Laura were working on this one and it is so gorgeous. It isn’t huge and I’d love to stitch that one sooner rather than later.
There were others I had in the cart but then, the reality is – I’ll never stitch everything I have here so I need to really just buy the things I might actually get stitched or . . the things that make me happy! 🙂
patricia edinger says
i hate to inform you you will probably never ever get those done just like all your fabric and yarn. and Chad will not keep those items eitherl. now days Children don’t want our stuff they just want the good old green money. Go to the salavation or good will and look at those items just laying around. it is sad but it is the truth. says
The way I look at it, I’m not taking anything with me when I go so if it brings me joy now, I’ll do it. I don’t live my life or buy things I think my son will enjoy after I’m gone. There’s still plenty of living left to do so, as long as I’m not having to ask Chad or anyone else for money, I do what I enjoy and don’t think much (really none) about what will happen to it when I’m gone.
I don’t understand people who have worked all their lives to be financially secure and then not buying things they want because someone else may not want it when they’re gone. I hope to never be that person.
Helen says
I am that way with patterns for sewing (quilts/bags/etc). I try not to buy them, but I am not always successful in that endeavor! I get much inspiration from YouTube videos. For a while I misplaced my mojo and I never want that to happen again.
Cindy F says
I’m all for having things around that make you happy! I’m still waiting for my Spring Market orders to arrive but in the meantime I went to Etsy to look at various Ukrainian cross stitch stores and bought a bunch of patterns. Some I will likely never stitch up but I wanted to support them. I also will go to my LNS when they open this week to look at a few things from market I didn’t order.