Since I’m taking Addie home today and since she wants to get her room decorated for Valentine’s Day, I finished her stocking so she can take it home with her. This is one of three little stockings from Blackbird Design’s booklet, Love is in the Air.
A note while I’m thinking about it: When I mention something I’m stitching or show something I’ve made, I try to remember to add the link to the chart. If I’m writing a post on the phone or small tablet, I often don’t include the link because I have trouble doing that. Sometimes, I’m on the laptop and just forget or mean to go back and don’t do it. If you look at the top of any page, the index line has “Cross Stitch Projects” and every project I’ve done or am working on is listed there, along with the fabric I used and the floss or any other details I think might be helpful. I also never mind responding if you ask me about it but .. that link at the top might be helpful if you want to know before I get back to you.

This was quick and so cute. I’m so tempted to make one for us but that will probably have to be for next year’s Valentine’s Day.

In hindsight, I would definitely have divided that little bouquet in half. After showing it too her, I thought . . that bouquet is too much for that little stocking but by then, she was in love with it and didn’t want it divided. If I make it for us, I’ll probably just make it into a pillow and not a hanging stocking but I don’t know.
Since they have the new cat, I thought those flowers looked like a really fun cat toy so I glued them in and stitched the top of the stocking closed, then added the trim at the top so the hand stitching wouldn’t show. I asked her to put it up high but we’ll see how that goes.
I used a zipper foot to stitch the pom pom trim on but after turning it, I could still see too much of the tape so I went back and stitched it using a piping foot with the pom poms up in the ridge and that worked much better.
Cindy F says
That looks so sweet!! I hope Evangeline doesn’t get a hold of it but you did warn Addie. Funny that at her age the term “less is more” doesn’t apply. I’m thinking of my early make up days where I certainly didn’t follow that phrase! 😀 says
Oh, didn’t we all do that? You made me giggle thinking about my makeup in my younger days and even at 9, Nicole will sometimes let Addie get into her makeup and it’s all I can do not to bust out laughing when I see her.
Rosalie says
How fun!
BFromM says
Totally adorable, and it does look like a good cat toy!B
Shauna Trueblood says
So cute!!
Dorothy Matheson says
I suspect that the cat will play with it. Hard for that age (or my age even) for someone to remember to put the item back up away after you get it out to look at and love on.
Hope there is a hook or some place on a wall she can reach to keep it up away from the cat.
Nelle Coursey says
I love it! I know she does too! It is perfectd!
Twyla says
I can just see that cat making a flying leap at that feathery bouquet on the
At Hobby Lobby there are some beautiful knobs for cabinets. Have you ever seen them used to hang something on a wall? Vince could get it into the wall with a molly screw.
It is such a pretty valentine. says
Good grief. I’ve seen those knobs and I thought “Who would change every knob in their kitchen to those?” I never once thought about using them to hang things on the wall. That explains my level of decorating knowledge! 🙂
Yes, I’m sure that young cat will shred it but . . it’s hers now so I no longer have a say. I mentioned to Nicole about keeping it away from the cat. If it gets shredded, the things I make for Addie will go into a box for her for when she’s older or when the cat is older. 🙂