I don’t remember the last time I felt this bad for this long. Sunday or Monday . . can’t remember what day it was, my throat got terribly sore immediately and I’ve felt bad since then. Went to the doctor Tuesday when I realized I wasn’t getting better, treated it as an allergy, then I started running fever; went back got another shot and antibiotics for a sinus infection. Kept feeling worse and more congested, had a chest x-ray and was able to rule out pneumonia but with all the coughing, she said it was bronchitis. That must have been Tuesday of this week. Anyway, a couple of days I’d think I was feeling better, only to feel awful the next day but, except for a nagging cough, I believe I’m good. I haven’t had fever since Tuesday night. I didn’t take Nyquil or the heavy duty cough meds last night.
I’ve been busy since I woke up this morning. As soon as I finish this post, I’m leaving to take Addie home. Today is Nicole’s birthday so Addie and I made cakes this morning.

A big one to take to them and a small one to keep here.
Chad is off tomorrow and they’ll either bring Addie back Sunday or I’ll meet them halfway and get her. The day care is closed due to Covid. It’s probably worse here now with the Delta variant than it was when the main Covid was at its peak. I listened to a Springfield hospital news conference yesterday and I think they said their death rate has gone from 1 per day to 2.1 per day. One of the hospitals ran out of ventilators over the July 4 weekend. What a mess!
I’d lake to says I have lots of blog posts to write to catch up with what I’ve been doing but all I’ve been doing is sleeping and coughing so . . I doubt that would be a very interesting read!
Helene says
I’m so glad you are feeling better. Those cakes look delicious!
Judy Laquidara says
Thanks . . for both the feeling better and cakes. 🙂
Laura says
Texas sheet cakes? Looks yummy!
Judy Laquidara says
Yes. Texas Sheet Cakes. I’ve made those for 40 years.
Cheryl says
Thankful your feeling better! Yum, hard to beat a Texas Sheet Cake.
Sandi B says
So glad you’re on the mend! How is Vince feeling? I got a stomach bug out of the blue Sunday night. Thankfully, I was completely over it in 36 hours.
Judy Laquidara says
36 hours is an eternity with a stomach bug. Glad you’re feeling better. Vince is a man so . . he’s doing quite terribly. 🙂 His is different from what I had but I do know he feels bad and I hope he’s better tomorrow.
Sandi B says
LOL!!! Hubs is the same way! I have to remind myself tobe patient and kind. He can’t help but be a mess. 🙂
I was glad when it was over.
Amy Makson says
So glad you finally are improving. Sounds like things are not going well covid wise… very scary. Hope you continue to feel better and better
Dottie Newkirk says
So glad you’re feeling better!! Those Texas sheet cakes look SO good!! Hope Nicole has a GREAT birthday.
Teri says
Glad you are feeling much better! How is Vince feeling? Happy Birthday to Nicole; the cakes look yummy!
Nelle Coursey says
I read that Branson is the biggest hot spot in the US for COVID! Let’s hope and pray it stays away from your family!!
Judy Laquidara says
Most of southwest MO is a hot spot now. At least one hospital in Springfield ran out of ventilators last weekend, beds are full, the death numbers per day doubled last week. I hear NW AR is the same way.
Bon says
Glad you are feeling better.
Val says
Glad that you are feeling better Judy, I am in hospital since yesterday early morning. I will live and I am grateful it is not Covid. But extreme gastritis and apparently kidney stones is not much fun. The nurses are amazing.
Judy Laquidara says
I hope you’re much better and back home soon and yes, very glad it isn’t covid!
Donna in KS says
Glad to read that you are better. Hope it continues for both of you. Summer colds/intestinal distress seems to have hit in this area, covid numbers have slightly increased too. Is there something specific to make those yummy looking cakes “Texas” ?
Judy Laquidara says
No. I started making them when I lived in Louisiana and made them in Kentucky too. I’ve also heard them called Baptist Sheet Cake. Pioneer Woman has a good recipe but my old recipe uses a bit of cinnamon in the cake and in the icing.