Yesterday when we got ready to fire up the freeze dryer, we found all the parts, we found the oil for the pump, the insulated circle pillow thing that goes in the door . . everything except the funnel to put the oil into the pump. We ended up having to go the Atwoods for a 70 cent funnel!
The food pantry is still a mess. I can mostly find what I need. I want the jars of freeze dried fruits and veggies on the top shelf because that’s all lightweight. I put a mixture of things in each case so I can get one case down at a time – the case I got down the other day had three jars of strawberries, three jars of okra, one jar of eggs, one jar of sweet potato pie filling, three jars of apples and one jar of mushrooms. That’s pretty typical – grab a case of jars, use everything, then grab another one. But, I have a lot more cases of freze dried food to go up on those top shelves. I need for Vince to stand on the floor and hand them to me so I’m not having to get up and down from the ladder/step stool thing so much. Remember . . bad foot!
It’s still a mess in that room. I haven’t worked in there in ages. I need to get back to it because there’s stuff in the safe room and stuff out in the hall that need to be put in that room.

I did get a few more boxes unpacked in that room last night. I’m certainly not laughing at Vince . . well, maybe a little. He did an amazing job of packing. I have no idea how many jars of food he packed but there was only one broken and it was a half gallon jar filled with something dry – rice or wheat I think, so it really didn’t make a mess.
This box made me smile. When I kept offering to go back to Texas and help Vince pack, he said “No! I don’t like how you pack. You don’t put like things in the same box. You grab anything you see, stick it all in the box til it’s full, tape it up and go on to the next one.”

Well, Mr. Laquidara! I’m not so sure about the “like” things in this box. I see 10 bottles of dishwashing liquid (not a brand I buy), along with accessories for old Singer sewing machines. I removed the sewing machine parts and found this:

Four bags of sugar! And he had the nerve to school me on how to pack a box! 🙂
Seriously, I don’t know how he did what he did by himself and I did not mention this box of unlike things.
Tracy says
All the items begin with the letter “S”, and they looked to be color coordinated too. Made me chuckle too.
Judy Laquidara says
So, it is all “like” items! I hadn’t even noticed they all begin with an “S”. 🙂
patty says
I remember as a kid when we moved my Mom couldn’t find the boy’s boots – you know the rubber ones with the buckles? She had to go and buy 5 pairs of boots. Five months later she was getting out the Christmas decorations and found the boots. LOL!!
Sara Fridley says
I’m still chuckling – but also wondering why there are 10 bottles of a brand of soap you don’t usually buy. Many years ago when we lived out in the country a long way from any store, I would give my husband a list if he went to town. He would always buy multiples even though I had no place to store extras. Plus he would buy weird brands of things. LOL
Judy Laquidara says
I have no idea why he bought 10 bottles of an off brand but it’s here so I’ll use it.
Maggie says
I recently moved and found that the closer I got to moving day the more randomized the boxes I was packing became. I labeled each box but those were good for a laugh in my new house!
Joyce says
It’s like Christmas…you never know what you will find in a box. LOL That’s pretty funny.
Rebecca says
He did do a very neat job of it!
My father-in-law sticks to the brand of dish soap he remembers his late wife using.
Dottie Newkirk says
That’s funny!!
Susan Nixon says
You are a smart woman who wants a happy home. =)