This chart is Memorial Day by Hands On Design. It’s small-ish – the stitching design should be about 11 x 8 when finished on 32 count linen. It’s going fairly quickly and I think there’s a good chance I could have the stitching done by Memorial Day. Of course, it won’t be framed but maybe I can have it framed by Independence Day.

Terribly wrinkled from being in the hoop – a good blogger wouldn’t do things like that. 🙂
Today I’m hoping to get the rest of “thee” finished as well as the pole and rope on which the flags will be hanging. There’s a lot of stitching on the flags but I think it should go quickly. The flowers at the bottom may take a while – I think I can at least get the flags stitched before Memorial Day . . maybe not the flowers.
I’m not sure what we have going on today. I’m hoping Vince will take the curtain rods down in the living room and dining room and I can fill those holes and then maybe tomorrow I can touch up the paint. I’m hoping to finish planting strawberries and asparagus. Maybe the rest of the day I can stitch!
Helene says
I love that Memorial Day chart so I ordered the chart and linen and floss. My plan is to start it on Memorial Day weekend and work on it all weekend. I’m really slow at stitching but It’s such a pretty one that I’m sure I’m enjoy it.
Judy Laquidara says
It’s small too and so far, it’s been quick. The flowers will have more color changes I think but I should breeze through the flags.