When I was probably 3 or 4 years old, Bingity Bangity School Bus was my favorite book. I think it was actually my favorite book for a long time because I remember bringing it to school for the teacher to read and we didn’t have kindergarten so that was probably first and second grade.
At night when my parents would read me a story, I always wanted Bingity Bangity School bus but it was long for a children’s book. My dad would sometimes try to turn two pages at once but I had that book memorized and I’d say “NO! You missed some!” and he would have to go back and read it all.
For at least 30 years, I have watched for that book. From time to time I’d look on ebay, on used book sites, at flea markets and garage sales. It would show up on ebay from time to time but it seemed it was either in poor shape or too expensive. I just searched and several used book sites have them so I guess I haven’t checked much lately.
Vince loves going in a couple of Joplin’s flea markets. Today we were out and he said “Do you mind if I stop by one of the flea markets?” I never mind but if he’d tell me ahead of time, I’d grab knitting or something that I can do in the car while he shops but I’m kinda looking out for frames I can use for my cross stitching and today I wanted a glass salt shaker. I’ve seen on flosstubes where people stick a few pretty hat pins in the holes and then they put their bent or not so good for stitching any more needles in there til they get a lot of them.
I found a pretty frame, had Vince look at it. He approved so he was wandering around on one side of the store and I was quickly walking down aisles to find the perfect salt shaker. I saw a box of children’s books. There looked to be two bundles with each having about five little books tied together. I picked the first bundle up to see if I could see which books were in there and look what was sitting all by itself between the two bundles.

I saw that book and it was all I could do not to bust out crying right there. I told myself . . I don’t care how much it costs, I’m getting it. I grabbed it, went to find Vince. I had tears streaming down my face and I handed it to him and said “Look at the price tag and tell me how much this is!” He said “What’s wrong? What happened? Why are you crying?” I told him . . this is THE BOOK I’ve been looking for forever. He said “It doesn’t matter how much it is . . we’re getting it.” That’s not quite true because Vince is way too frugal to spend an exhorbitant amount on an old children’s book like that but . . it was only $5 so we got it.
I’m so happy to have it. For now, I’m putting it on the mantle so I can see it every day til I’m tired of looking at it up there. I’ll read it to Addie, tell her how my parents read it to me so often and ask her to read it to her children sometime and tell them this was her granny’s favorite book.
There is a little girl’s name in the cover of the book, in little girl writing. I wonder if she loved it at much as I did. I hope she isn’t going from flea market to flea market looking for it.
Teri says
OMG how awesome! Happy tears for you!
Verna says
What a great find!
When I was young, my favorite book was The Fire Cat. When I was maybe in my 20s, I asked my mother if she still had it, but she thought she had sold it in a garage sale. She ended up finding another copy (also with a girl’s name written in the front cover), so I was happy. Lo and behold, a few years later she found my original copy (with my name written inside). I still love that book!
montanaclarks says
That is such a cool story! I am the same way about a book Michael has–Rusty Pete, about a horse. The illustrations were done by a woman who lived in our neighborhood when Michael was growing up and we actually have a couple paintings done by the woman. I would love to have another copy for my great grandchildren.
Sharon says
That’s such a sweet story. I don’t think I had a favorite book and don’t remember my parents ever reading to me. I’m glad you found such a treasure.
Sara F says
How fun to find that book after so many years!! My girls both loved a particular book as kids and I managed to find 2 copies about 3 years ago – with help from a good friend. I gave them to the girls that Christmas and they were so thrilled.
Nelle Coursey says
I love that you found the book! I gave my granddaughter a Peter Rabbit book when she was little and she still has it! She read it to her little girl when she was little. And then to her son. That pleased me so much! I know how you feel about things like that! I found a Bride doll once that was just like the one I have but mine lost her clothes years ago! My cousins would play with my dolls when I got too old for them. I was very particular about my dolls but they didn’t care! They combed the hair and ruined it. They tore the clothes and that upset me! I was too old to play with them, but they were mine! I took very good care of them!!
Cindy F says
Reading that you found your book was so touching! My favorite book when I was young was Harold and the Purple Crayon…had to buy that book for my boys but they weren’t that into it. Their favorite was Where the Wild Things Are and we read it countless times.
Rebecca says
The tale of telling your father that he had missed part reminds me of a time, long ago, that I read a favorite book to a friend’s chilld. What I didn’t know was that my friend skipped parts of it, to make it quicker. Apparently after I reminded the boy of all there was, she had to read it all! Ha!
Judy Laquidara says
I’m sure she thanked you for that every time she read it to him. 🙂
Twyla says
Good for you finding your book. And like Vince I love to poke around thrift stores. Isn’t it funny how some things touch our heart and bring bacvk such good memories. My mother used to make by sandwich and place it on a little white plate with a green country scene on it. I have a couple I have found here and there.
Margie Crewse says
I loved that you found your book! I would love to find mine but I can’t remember the name of it, so can’t do a search. I’m 78 years old and probably will not be able to read it again. It was about one little black sheep in a flock with all the others being white and the troubles he had. I remember mom taking a few evenings to finish it. Would love to read it again! Thanks for their memory!