Chad found me a cast iron ebelskiver pan.

Jotul is apparently a Norwegian company. Online, these pans are said to be for everything from poaching eggs to brownies to ebelskivers. This pan looks like it’s never been used. I’ll clean it up, re-season it and hope to make ebelskivers tomorrow for breakfast to try it out.
I’ve been looking for a cast iron pan vs. the electric one I’ve been using so I’m anxious to use it but it would be so much nicer on a gas stove .. which I’m hoping will be here within the next few weeks.
Marti Meadows says
I have two cast iron ebelskivers pans, the hard thing is they like to rust on the bottom of the pan. Love using them! The very center hole is the one that gets done the fastest.
Judy Laquidara says
Do you brush oil on every part of them and bake them in the oven when you’re done using them? That’s what I was planning to do but I do not like dealing with rusty cast iron. I’m going to try it on the electric stove but probably won’t make them again til the gas stove gets here. I’ll watch that center one and not let it burn!
Marti Meadows says
I put a little butter in each hole before adding the batter each time! Yes! I love butter!
Judy Laquidara says
I melt a bit of butter in my cast iron tiny butter melting pot and brush it into each hole before I fill it. Yes, I love butter too!
Christina A Coats says
Hi Judy
Boy am I learning new words! Ebelskiver is a new one for me. Had to look it up. Love how it sounds but after seeing so many recipes , I love what the possibilities are, yummy.
Susan says
I have one of those. Works great. My issue is I have a glass top stove and weak wrists. I’m afraid I’ll drop it on the stop top and break it. So I bought the electric version.
Judy Laquidara says
There are some pans I will not use on the glass top for the same reason. You know it wouldn’t take much of a drop to crack that stove top. I used the ebelskiver pan this morning but won’t use it again til the gas stove gets here and gets installed.
sheryl says
I love the idea of poaching eggs.
Judy Laquidara says
I guess but I don’t use a lot of water in my cast iron and a poached egg is going to taste the same whether I do it in cast iron or a pot that can go into the dishwasher. 🙂