Vince did a bit of tweaking on this fence that I shared the other day.

Right now, the plan is to put 1 x 6 cedar boards horizontally, with about a 2″ space between them, and go up about 4-1/2 feet with those, then put another board about 6′ up and put welded wire between that very top board and the top of the 4-1/2′ part of the fence.
He ordered all the wood this morning from an Amish mill near here and it should be ready to pick up in “a week or two”.
Lumber prices are so outrageous. At the big box store, a 1″ x 8″ x 6′ cedar board is $23. At the mill, the same size, dried board is $3.50. This is the same boards Chad used for the planters he’s making.

My little garden is going to be the envy of the neighborhood. Really, there’s only one house that will have a direct view of my garden area and he wants to do the same thing we’re doing. He’s already built a compost bin using cedar. He was over talking to Vince about their garden plans yesterday.
Things are coming together!
Diana says
funny perspective, you’re trying to keep bunnies, deer out of your garden, I follow a family vlog on youtube and they live in North Pole, Alaska, they’re putting in their first garden and trying to figure out how to keep moose out – crazy
Judy Laquidara says
I can’t even imagine trying to keep a moose out but I also can’t imagine gardening in North Pole, AK.
Susan Nixon says
It cost me $1400 for the wood for a 10×12 deck and a 4 x 7 balcony.