Honestly, I have a hard time calling what we had last night a storm. I think after seeing what Hurricane Laura did in Lake Charles, we need a whole new word for these little things I used to call a storm.
The most amazing thing has happened with Rita. She seems to have lost her fear of thunder. I’m not sure how it happened or if it’s a permanent thing but when we were in MO, twice we had some pretty good thunder. One night, we were in bed. Her little bed is on my side of the bed and she’s pretty close to two windows. The thunder was loud enough to wake me up and I kept waiting for Rita to panic and she didn’t. She never woke up.
A couple of days later, during the day, there was thunder. I looked at Vince and we both held our breath for a minute and she never acted like she heard it.
Vince said maybe it had something to do with being on the second floor. Maybe she felt it on the floor on the ground level (house in Texas is one story). I don’t know about that theory because most of the time, she’d be on the sofa and thunder sent her into a tizzy and same thing during the night when she was in bed.
Last night, we had some good thunder and she again never seemed to have noticed.
I got to thinking . . I wonder if it had something to do with the glaucoma. The vet said she might always have a bit of a headache. Maybe the thunder exacerbated the head pain. Maybe somehow it rattled her head and caused the eye pain to be worse. I have no idea and my speculations are probably crazy but whatever it is, I am very thankful that she doesn’t go into full panic mode with even the most distant thunder.

At one point in the late afternoon it began getting dark and I just knew it was going to rain. We need it so badly. See our grass? Really, it’s just dead weeds but it’s really dead. This is probably the worst it’s been since we’ve lived here. The weather completely passed us over and I was sad but by about 9:00 p.m., we were scrambling to get showers in case the electricity went out. On a well, we have no water when the power goes out.

The clouds rolled in before 8 and hung around and by 9, it was raining. We only got .07″ of rain (as in 7/100ths of an inch), which isn’t much rain, a tiny bit of small hail and best of all, it cooled things off a bit. That’s what happens around here – go for two or three months without a drop, then get a couple of drops! We have a chance of rain the next two days so maybe we’ll get a bit more.

This was our temp at 2:39 p.m. – 111.7 degrees. That’s not our heat index . . that’s how hot it was. The last two nights, it’s still be 88 or 90 degrees when we go to bed about 11 p.m. When we went to bed last night, it was 72 degrees outside.
Summer is not my favorite season and I’ll be happy to see Fall!
Debi McIntosh says
My big dog stopped worrying about the thunder when he went deaf. It was a blessing all round
Joyce says
Even better, fall in Missouri!!
Sara Fridley says
Your theory about Rita’s eye condition makes some sense to me. Plus it may confirm the wisdom of removing those eyes if she has no pain now. Sure sounds as if she has adapted well.
You are probably enjoying the “green” in MO so much.
Dottie Newkirk says
We got an inch of rain last night – so very, very much appreciated! 2 tornadoes a little southeast of us but thankfully, no damage. More t-storms today – looks like some might be headed your way.
Judy Laquidara says
I saw where schools are closed in some surrounding areas because of no power so I guess places near us got quite a storm.
Jackie says
What type of weather station do you have?
Rebecca in SoCal says
I wonder if it was her eyes…after all, glaucoma is about pressure, and the barometric pressure can certainly change with a storm! Enjoy her freedom from anxiety while it lasts, and may it last the rest of her life!
Stephani in N. TX says
One of our weathermen in Wichita Falls used to call what you had last night “a 6-inch rain,” meaning 6 inches between raindrops.
Susan Nixon says
Here’s hoping you get some good rain. In both Ohio and here there were some good, gentle, long rainstorms. It’s unbelievable how much rain can fall if it just falls steadily all day!
Twyla says
Glad to hear that Rita did not panic with the thunder. Hopefully this will be the case from now on. Mavis is in panic mode with storms or our neighbors shooting their guns. It is hard to see our fur babies in such stress.