Somehow, I still can’t believe I did it, but I finished my Camp Loopy project for August. I thought I’d have a lot of knitting time while in MO for 2-1/2 weeks but I really didn’t. We stayed so busy and I think I only sat down and knitted two nights. I knitted a good bit in the car on the way there and 9 hours gets a lot of knitting done. I knitted some coming back yesterday but mostly I was talking to family and friends in Louisiana on the phone.

I changed the pattern a bit because I was afraid I wasn’t going to use the full 800 yards. I just knitted more of the light blue rows, divided the stripes up and added a few more.

It’s a bit snug double wrapped but it will grow probably 6 inches or more once I soak and block it but that’s not happening til I get to MO.
I love it! Since it’s Webb City’s school colors, I think I will wear it all the time!
Linda B. says
Love it! Perfect for your first winter in Missouri!
Nancy Phillips says
Looks nice. Love the colors.
Toni Macomb says
It is gorgeous! I need to bite the bullet and spend some money on yarn!
Nelle Coursey says
I love this too! Glad you made it home safely.
Rebecca in SoCal says
Part of this looks like a maze! Did you follow a pattern for that, or is it somehow random? (It doesn’t seem like random knitting would produce something so coherent.)
Donna in KS says
Another beautiful piece!! I really like these colors and I would appreciate knowing more specifically what you used! Thanks so much. I think I could knit this!
Judy Laquidara says
The yarn is from The Loopy Ewe. It’s Dream in Color Smooshy with Cashmere. The red is Valentine and the blue is Sophia’s Ocean Sailing Mystery. The blue is a special colorway and only available at TLE.