The bread I started last night and finished today tastes great. The crumb wasn’t great. I love the big holes in sourdough bread but this loaf had few holes. I definitely know why and will try this combination of spelt and all purpose flour again.

Vince loved it and asked that I make it again. I have some spelt but not as much as I need if I’m going to make this bread often. Spelt is an ancient grain and a bit more difficult to find than some other grains but I did locate some and placed an order.
Then I saw that someone had made a loaf with some buckwheat. I must remove myself from that Facebook group or I’ll have to get rid of yarn to make room for grain!
Cilla says
What is that facebook site please? I believe I may enjoy that site. Thank you.
Susan Nixon says
I like bread without big holes. I’d have eaten this and relished it. =) Yes, get off FB! It’s a time black hole, and apparently a recipe black hole for you. =)
Judy Laquidara says
I love the holes and that’s my goal – to have bigger, more consistent holes. 🙂
I’m pretty happy with the amount I get done, and I still get to visit with many friends on FB so I enjoy spending some amount of time there.