Yesterday evening I was sewing along making very good progress on the masks and my sewing machine jammed. The bobbin kinda went bonkers and I ended up with a bit of a thread nest in there.

I took it all apart, as much as I could, thought I had it all out but it still won’t sew. Vince is going to have to take it apart today and fix it for me. He can do it but darn . . I wanted to finish those masks and get them in the mail today.
I’ll probably run back to the sewing room after daylight and finish up the last two masks on another machine. Kinda sad when my Bernina is my backup to a 1950’s Singer but . . that’s how it is around here.
Ruth says
Judy, thank you for your list of mask patterns.
I have to say that the AD from “Can type 2 diabetes hurt your heart?” hijacks your blog screen for 10 seconds, and then takes me back to the front page of the post I was reading. It is so exasperating. At first I thought I had accidentally clicked on this ad, but it keeps popping up.
And then there is the black window that pops up at the right side of the comment screen, and looks like it is going to show a video but doesn’t, then disappears. Wouldn’t be bad, but each time it pops into view, the screen where I am typing my comment moves up and down.
I sympathize with your blog difficulties! (not that I use my own blog, but I know you can’t do much to change these problems) Just thought I would let you know.
Sara Fridley says
I have a 30 (or more) year old Singer that is the back up to my Pfaff. But that Singer still works great and is light enough to take to retreats and classes if needed.
vivoaks says
Hi Judy!! I talked with my daughter last evening as she was sewing a surgical mask for herself for work today. I found a Cambridge University study saying that pillowcases and 100% cotton t-shirts are the best materials to use for masks…ie. for effective breathing while still protecting. Very interesting! If you’d like to share with readers, here is the website:
Now I need to get back to working on some to send to my daughter!! The clinic she works at is re-using theirs, and saving them only for surgeries….
marcie says
Judy, I know there are different patterns out there, but I was wondering about how long it took you to make your (first) mask? I know it always gets faster with repeats.
Judy Laquidara says
The first one may have taken 45 minutes. I also changed a couple of things and ended up having to rip to do it a different way. Now I can make the pleated ones in about 15 or 20 minutes, including the ties.
cindilb says
When you reassemble your 301, don’t forget to put the finger on the bobbin case under the needle plate in the correct position. You can guess how I know this. I love my 301. Are you in the 301 Facebook group? Lots of tips on there.
Judy Laquidara says
Yes. I’m going to do a blog post about that little finger! 🙂
Not in the FB group. I don’t have a lot of FB time.
Melinda in CT says
I thought I remember you and Vince buying several 301s many years back
Judy Laquidara says
Many years ago!! It’s been pretty much the only machine I’ve used for years.
Melinda in CT says
Me too. .
But I use my Bernina with walking foot to attach bindings
Judy Laquidara says
I do too but it’s been a while since I attached quilt bindings.
Melinda in CT says
I miss your quilts
Susan Nixon says
Mine’s a back-up, too, mostly used by friends who come to sew.