The horehound, bay leaves and mint finished up in the freeze dryer yesterday.
I got them all out and got them vacuum sealed in jars.

There’s one quart of bay leaves, one quart of mint and three more quarts of horehound.
I picked some purple dead nettle Thursday before Vince cut the grass but I’m not sure I want to freeze dry it. I think I’ll take the weekend off from freeze drying.
I need to make another batch of food for Rita and we’re almost out of breakfast sausage so I may do all that this weekend instead of freeze drying.
Also, it has been days and days since I knitted. I need to get some of that done too.
Yesterday I grabbed a package of lamb chops out of the freezer. After the horrible dinner I served last night, Vince kinda hesitated before asking “What’s for dinner tomorrow?” I told him . . grilled lamb chops, baked sweet potatoes and steamed asparagus.” He gave me a thumbs up and I think he was very happy with that plan.
Tee says
Do you have a bay leaf tree/shrub? My girlfriend has one in North Carolina and it is some of the best bay leaves I have ever used. It is not hardy here in Minnesota, but if you have one, I would trade you elderberries (or elderberry stalks) for bay leaves!
Teri says
Is there a post on how you vacuum seal your jars (I can’t find one). Looking forward to reading about your sausage stuffer when it arrives. Take Care Judy & Vince!
Judy Laquidara says
The sausage stuffer is here . . arrived last week. Just haven’t had time to grind the meat to get started.
For the jars, I just put in whatever needs to go into them, put the lids and rings on them, and am using an old canner that Vince hooked up with vacuum pump and I can do 7 quart jars at once.
Teri says
Well I took a bag of two hamburger patties from the freezer and then when I went to cook dinner they were 2 large heart shaped brownies that I froze at valentines….NOT HAMBURGER…..we had Top Ramen….so much for labeling my bags….
Judy Laquidara says
But how nice in all this craziness to find two heart shaped brownies!
Susan Nixon says
Maybe you should cook things he doesn’t like more often so he appreciates it the rest of the time. LOL