This evening we had homemade broccoli soup and steak sandwiches for dinner, along with leftover scalloped potatoes.

Everything for the soup came from Aldi except three egg yolks came from my chickens.

These brioche buns are so good! I melt a little butter in an iron skillet, get it sizzling hot, then put the cut side down and brown the inside of the buns.
I haven’t seen it lately but I have plenty in the freezer – shaved ribeye meat and it has become my very favorite meat. It tastes like a ribeye steak but it’s been sliced paper thin. I caramelized onions, added sliced mushrooms, then the meat and cooked it all together. We added a slice of provolone cheese, also from Aldi.
It was a quick and delicious meal and there’s plenty of soup leftover for another day.
Carol says
How do you buy this meat at Aldi? Is this thin sliced ribeye fresh, or frozen, meaning how is it packaged, etc? Have not seen it at our Aldi, but I’m not there often.
Judy Laquidara says
It’s packaged with the rest of the meat, in a container kinda like ground beef.
Chris Miller says
So glad to be able to read your blog again! I’ve been trying for the last two days, when you said it was up, but finally TODAY!! Yay!! I don’t know how long I’ve been reading your blog, but I’ll bet it’s at least ten years. No, I think even longer than that.
Your Aldi posts make we wish we had one. We do have a wonderful Winco, so I guess I shouldn’t complain. Welcome back!
Judy Laquidara says
Yes, you’ve been around for a lot of years! I saw your name on some of the very old comments. I’ve never been in a Winco but obviously, we do love our Aldi! I fell in love with them in MO and after we moved here, but before we got an Aldi, I would stop at the one in Lawton, OK when I was coming back from MO. Vince and I both really love walking through the store and see what they have. There’s always interesting merchandise and sometimes it’s there and when it’s gone, it’s years before you see it again so we’ve learned to get things when we see them but we always wish we could get more of things that are sold out.
Nelle Coursey says
Sounds wonderful!!
Susan Nixon says
It looks delicious. I would definitely eat that – and give you all my mushrooms, too! LOL