This afternoon I was going to use the cheese melter to fix escargot.
The snails were “giant” as you can see from the can, and the cheese melter is not giant.
Change of plans: Put cheese in the cheese melter and proceed as normal. Put the snails in a baking dish, along with butter, wine, garlic, salt, pepper, parsley and bake.
Sorry . . we were too excited to eat and forgot to take pictures!
It’s been so long since I fixed escargot and I kept thinking . . what if they don’t taste like I remember them tasting and what if they taste like dirt or something? I’m happy to say they were delicious and we both loved them.
Judy H says
I can’t get over the texture of escargot. I can eat some things other people might not eat, like oysters or duck tongue, but escargot just doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t even like cooked apple cut into wedges because the texture feels like slugs in my mouth. Chopped cooked apple is fine. I have an apple tart recipe that I like to make in the fall and it calls for chopped apple. No, I’ll let you eat the escargot – enjoy!!
vivoaks says
Never tried escargot and never plan to. You can have my share! 🙂
Marilyn Smith says
We love escargot. We both dislike, regular cows tongue. Duck. Cows lower parts. Sweetbreads. We can both eat liver but it is not a good memory for DH. We don’t eat chicken livers either and that was his dad’s favorite meal. My DH loves seafood, fish, crab, shrimp, lobster, . I will eat some fish, mainly cod and only a bite or two of salmon or fresh mackinaw from Tahoe. I just do not like fish. Do not like trout either and have tried it many times. For some reason, I can eat escargot. I have also eaten rattlesnake – no big. Not much meat and sort of chicken tasting + no taste. Have also had real turtle soup in a high end restaurant and it was terrible. DH could not eat it either, but we tried.
I also cannot each sweet potatoes in any form, butternut and acorn squash. I cannot even have them on my plate or I have excused myself to another room. I have never been able to eat them or any sweet vegetable. It is the sweetness and texture. I almost get ill just looking at pictures of those foods. I fix them for DH -but it really almost sickens me to do it. The other thing I can’t eat is okra. My Okie husband loves it cooked in any form, but especially fried. I fix it for him. It is the gooey insides that make them yucky for me. He was born and raised in Oklahoma and I am an artichoke girl from California. He never had an artichoke or asparagus until we were married. Same with avocados…..I could live on those.
Also, I don’t like caviar either!
marilyn Smith says
I do love fresh dungeness crab, lobster and shrimp.! will not eat frozen crab or lobster, only fresh.
Susan Nixon says
I’m happy to say you can have my entire share for my entire life. LOL