Here are before and after pictures – before Vince started keto about this time last year. We stayed on it through June and he lost probably 80 pounds. We got off in June because of the frequent trips to MO and it was hard being on the diet eating out. We’ve solved that issue with the apartment.
We started back on the diet on January 1.
Here are a couple of photos of Vince before the diet.

Below are some after the diet photos.

The one below was taken yesterday.
While off the diet, he only gained maybe 10 pounds but his blood pressure and cholesterol both went back up so within a month or so of being on keto, both of those readings will make his doctor (and his wife) happy but his doctor is a fan of keto so he won’t be surprised with the results.

We’re back on the diet so hopefully there will be even better results soon.
Linda in NE says
Vince looks so much younger & happier since he took the weight off.
vivoaks says
Wow!! What a difference!! Vince looks so much healthier!! I’d love to take off that much weight! I just don’t have the will to fix two different meals all the time. Hubby doesn’t care about the healthy stuff – he wants what he wants, and it doesn’t matter if it will kill him 10 years earlier than he should go. I do still try to make things more healthy, but I’m already to the point where I eat very little of what he eats. Come to think of it, I’m eating differently than him already!! 🙂 Maybe it wouldn’t be that hard!! LOL Something to think about for sure. Anyway, Vince looks great! Congratulate him for me!! I’m jealous! 🙂
Teri says
WTG Vince! He looks healthier and happier!
Tricia says
So impressive. Does Vince have any tips for us? I struggle with getting discouraged over not losing weight fast enough.
Nelle Coursey says
Looking good. But we need pictures of you also!!
Sheryl says
Congrats Vince!
Susan Nixon says
It really does show, when you see the pictures together. That’s amazing!
Penny Holliday says
Way to go Vince! Looking good & so healthy! I’m impressed with what you’ve done with Judys help re: amazing weight loss! Now get back on that Keto lifestyle & continue on to even more good health!!